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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
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Well I had my new Dual Rectifier at practice last night again. This is an amazing rock and metal amp. I have been through the following Marshalls the DSL 50, the DSL 100, TSL 100, JCM 800. I also had the Laney GH100ti (Iommi signature amp, I also play in a Sabbath Tribute). I flirted briefly with the Krank KRankenstein and the Line 6 HD147 to no avail.

All the Marshalls I used pedals with, OD for more scream, eq for metal, chorus like Zakk to fatten it up etc. Well, once again the Dual Rec totally comes through. I just plug direct in and done. I had fat metal rhythm sand awesome lead tones.

And regarding the fizziness on the newer ones. I don't know, man, I can hear it when I'm at low volumes but when you get this thin gup to compete with a loud drummer, it was all tone.

Now here is my issue. Like most of us here I'm a nut when it comes to GAS etc. The recto seems like the perfect amp for me yet I love a lot of the Hetfield, Petrucci, Mark 2c+ tones and a lot of the Mark IV tones and then everytime I hear a Triaxis user like Michael Romeo, that sounds awesome too. So instead of going out and buying ALL of those amps, I was thinking of ordering up a Mark IV. So the question is, between the Rec and the Mark IV would I be able to cover almost all that ground?


I believe so--Before you go out and do that though--I would take some time to explore the rectifier some more. Ive owned Rectifiers for going on 4 years now and I cant say that I know every trick this thing can do. You might expiriment with channel 3 and turn the presence up to get some of the more metal and petrucci tones your looking for. You might find everything your looking for in 1 box! :wink:
Micah said:
I believe so--Before you go out and do that though--I would take some time to explore the rectifier some more. Ive owned Rectifiers for going on 4 years now and I cant say that I know every trick this thing can do. You might expiriment with channel 3 and turn the presence up to get some of the more metal and petrucci tones your looking for. You might find everything your looking for in 1 box! :wink:

I think you're exactly right. Even as I was researching the Mark Series, I knew in my head it was purely from a collector's standpoint because so far the Rectifier really does give me everything I need. I can't wait to record with it.
yeah, i agree...take some time with the recto before deciding to unload more cash...these things are versatile.