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The Boogie Board

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    My Somewhat Modest Gear

    I posted here cause the Mark IV is my "go to" amp. The LSS does very well too. Not pictured is my Recto 2X12 Cab with Wheat Basket Weave (or whatever it is) grille. Works for me ....
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    Mark IV Rhy2 channel

    Cork sniffer - no. Mark IV channel 2 lover - yes. I read your first post as fizzy -- reread it and see fuzzy. Maybe the sound you want out of that channel isn't there for you and the Mark III is the best fit. While sharing the smooth top end of channel 3, the way I set up and use my channel...
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    Mark IV Rhy2 channel

    Mine is very similar to Bryan's. Gain pulled (is actually thick) with a strat - pushed in with my McCarty. I run my bass around 4 and keep the presence knob pushed in too but at a lower level. Otherwise, a lot like what Bryan suggested. Mess with mids for feel. I like Channel two a lot and...
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    31-band EQ as lead boost in Mark IV?

    I think it is a great idea if you use the amp's EQ for shaping. I don't, so I use the EQ as a lead boost. Works great. If you don't use the amp's EQ for tone shaping, it would work too.
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    Mark IV Arriving In A Few Hours!

    Congrats on the amp. My suggestion on tubes - especially at the beginning is to keep it simple and well within ranges. After you get to know it, the higher priced tubes may appeal to you. I feel my Mark IV does best with basic boogie tubes (grey or blue for me). While not very adventurous...
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    New Amp(Mark IV), First Post/new member, and I need help!!!

    Primal gave you the perfect trouble shooting tip. The outer two tubes have the Pentode / triode option. So, the best way to see if they are causing you problem in Pentode is to "get rid of them" by putting THEM in the inner sockets and the current inners in the outer - then running class A...
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    Any rumors on what Mesa is coming out with next?

    I have a guess - The rectos have the recto thing covered in various flavors. The Lonestars have "regular" amps covered - not a put down - I own a LSS. They get "regular" woodsie tones that many can relate to. The Mark V has all us Mark lovers covered for a while - though I am not selling my...
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    Mark IV B effects loop question

    I would (and do) use the delay in the loop. 2 reasons: I use it more than the chorus which I often don't even bother bringing and, secondly, it works better. My delay eats batteries more than anything else, so having it on top of the combo and in the loop makes the adapter run easier...
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    Mark IV tubes

    I have always had good luck changing tubes with Mesa tubes. If you liked the "color" of your power tubes, get the same ones. I prefer gray or blue as I believe they give me the best cleans and overdrives. When I was playing out a lot, I alos changed the preamp tubes once or twice a year...
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    Anyone try a NEO type Speaker in Mark IV Combo?

    thanks for the info. I was crossing the Celestion off the list and you just helped put that one to bed. The Jensen looks interesting but has far less highs than the EV (on the spec sheet anyway). The Eminence Tonkerlite or Lil Texas also seem interesting. If I can find which one is closer to...
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    Anyone try a NEO type Speaker in Mark IV Combo?

    Well, to reply to my own post .... :D It looks like Jensen NEO is about 14.4 LBS lighter. There is the NEO 12 100 and the Tornado. Any one try these? The Celestion Century neo type speaker is only 60 watts. They have the G12T "hot 100" at 11 lbs lighter, but I don't know anything about...
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    Anyone try a NEO type Speaker in Mark IV Combo?

    I have a Mark IV small combo with the EV. The combo with EV is good for me. However, the amp comes alive through a 2X12 Recto. So, I am curious about the NEO type speakers. I once tried the C90 but took it right back out as I preferred the EV. How much weight did the NEO type speaker cut...
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    Different power stages of the Mark

    In my opinion, triode is a bit less headroom, so more compression, and a warmer (rounder) top end. So I just go simul class triode for band stuff and class A triode for much quieter stuff. The response is similar to me - at two very different volumes. I should add that I use 4 6L6's in the...
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    Different power stages of the Mark

    yes, I agree. Different power settings breed different tones in my experience. I guess triode class A or Simul class triode are pretty similar. And pentode class A and Simul class pentode are also pretty similar. In my experience, if you are looking to get similar tones at two different...
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    Too many "haters"

    I get it on several levels. First, Boogies are mid priced, high quality amps. If I spent 3K on a head, I'd be a little defensive when guys talk about a 1.5K Mark IV or LSS. Secondly, If I was a blues based bedroom player and all I knew about boogie was overly pre amp buzz of a poorly dialed...
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    3 problems with my mark IV

    If you want to --- you may look into the preamp tubes to problem shoot that way first. First - Did this problem happen SINCE you put in the new power tubes or was it there before too? The manual talks about the reverb tube. Do you have the reverb on? Does it happen with the reverb off? The...
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    My first Mesa Boogie, a MkIIb. Advice?

    I have some Mark advice that has nothing to do with speakers. Don't dial in the knobs like your favorite Marshall or Fender. Start with open ears that don't include your eyes seeing certain knobs in certain areas.
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    Mark IV Rhy II and Lead - Why pull shift?

    Ok, so I was playing last night and got the amp to a pretty loud gig volume. Pulled shift on Rhy 2 and Lead and turned up the master on each channel to compensate for volume drop .... not too bad ... or not as bad (honky) as I remember. Still will have to try it in a band situation with the...
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    Mark IV - Combo to Head Conversion Options

    I was messing around last night and really did not find any tone suckage with the reverb -- but I only have it on 3 or so. With it on 0 or 3 no tonal difference. Now that I write this, I realize I should have cranked on 7 or 8 to see, but was just focused on where I need it.
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    Mark IV - Combo to Head Conversion Options

    Hmmmm - that certainly gives me something to think about. Currently, I just run some delay in the loop. Click it on at the footswitch and it's there. Wah and fulldrive on the floor. Pretty simple system - lots of cool sounds. Putting a reverb in the loop would change up the simplicity...