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The Boogie Board

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  1. Z

    tell me about ear candy cabs pls

    I have a buzzbomb 2x12 and a bailey 2x8. Good sounding cabs indeed, and I can also tell you from personal experience that Tim is a very friendly and helpful guy. Great customer service.
  2. Z

    What's your favorite baby Boogie amp???????

    I just got a lovely little Studio 22+ :D No graphic EQ on this one, but its in fine shape. A high end tube screamer and a GE-7 oughta get me some decent bedroom volume metal.
  3. Z

    Best pedal with your boogie?

    To me THE most important pedal is a tuner! If you're not in tune, nothing else matters. I use a Peterson Strobostomp. They make the best tuners. I also have a number of other pedals. The best of the bunch are: Retro-Comp compressor (a killer unit made by a friend) Skreddy ScrewDriver Bloody...
  4. Z

    Anyone-Lindy Fralin Strat Blues special or Vintage hot P-ups

    I put together a partscaster strat starting with a Fender body (single piece alder) and a Warmoth neck. Used mostly Callaham hardware - which I highly recommend. From Callaham I got a loaded pickguard with Fralin pups and a blender pot circuit. Callaham gets a special H/SRV (Hendrix - Stevie...
  5. Z

    Which amp? Mark III vs Mark IV!! Undecided

    I am NOT an experienced Mesa person, so please take my opinion with a grain of salt. I played a Mark IV at a store. I found the controls daunting. If you aren't intimidated by the learning curve and doing a lot of tweaking, you may be in good shape with a Mark IV. I wanted something a bit...
  6. Z

    New Mark III owner here

    Wow... I didn't know there are significant tonal differences between the various stripes. What about the blue stripe? I will be playing it into an EarCandy 2x12 BuzzBomb (w/EarCandy's "GreenMachine" speakers - not to be confused with greenbacks). I have an SG and an LP, as well as single coil...
  7. Z

    New Mark III owner here

    I'm in a similar situation though I never had any Bogner gear. I've got a blue strip head on its way to me ... soon, I hope! Need all the advice and info I can get.
  8. Z

    Help me 'beef' up my Gibson SG Standard! :)

    Simple! You live in the UK, so pick up the phone and call them. I have heard that they are super good guys and will be extremely helpful in listening to what you're after and getting you the best pups for your needs. You won't find a better set of pups anywhere. No need to look elsewhere...
  9. Z

    VoodooMan Switches

    I am a father who has been through a few things as well, so I totally get it. Congratulations. You must be massively relieved. Everything else in life is a distant second to the health of a son or daughter. I have a Mark III head on its way to me, and included is one of your 3-way switches...
  10. Z

    List all the Boogies you've owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will soon have a Mark III long head, blue stripe w/reverb. I see a lot of Mark III love here, which makes me feel good. 8)
  11. Z

    Mark III advice please

    Hate to admit it, but I don't know what an SED is. :oops:
  12. Z

    Renovating my pedal board...

    I'd ditch the MT-2. Keeley mod'd or not, high gain metal needs to come from the amp.
  13. Z

    Help me 'beef' up my Gibson SG Standard! :)

    Bareknuckles pickups made in the UK. They have some seriously killer humbucker offerings. Expensive in the U.S., especially with the weak dollar, but some of the best pups around. Period.
  14. Z

    Mark III advice please

    Thanks guys, appreciate it. Anyone have any comments on: * any more input on Mark III tube choices for my blue stripe head? - (especially regarding whether KT77s are a good idea) * the differences between the various stripes * Weber vs. THD Hotplate: which is preferrable (and why)
  15. Z

    Mark III advice please

    Hi all. I am a noob here :roll: so thanks in advance for your noob tolerance. :) I've got a Mark III blue stripe head on the way. I'll be playing it through my EarCandy 2x12 BuzzBomb cab. The head is going to need to be retubed right away. So, I want to look into what kind of tubes to get...