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The Boogie Board

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  1. M

    Soundclip: Mark IV recorded at low volume.

    well you have a very very very very good tone (and high quality too) to start with! keep goin' mate :) ah and give a try to the roger nichols plugins , they are very cool and useful!
  2. M

    Soundclip: Mark IV recorded at low volume.

    now man, you have to tell us your record set! cab? mics? mic preamp? eq? DAW used? plugins? ehehehe :P
  3. M

    Soundclip: Mark IV recorded at low volume.

    ehh n1 mate, and I know you well, I've seen all of your videos on youtube :) you have a **** nice tone :)
  4. M

    our new tune done with my Boogie!!

    very nice song mate, and very nice production!! can you give us more details? you went to a studio or recorded it home?
  5. M

    Mark IV clip - Guthrie Govan "Waves"

    dude this is incredible, considering the low budget equipment you used!!!! gratz!!! and you say you did this at tv volume?? amazing. gotta buy a SM57 + M-Audio Buddy Preamp + M-Audio Audiophile 2496!!!!
  6. M

    Help a guitarist to find his perfect tone!!!!

    Do you think that the Road King is not capable to do that? thx for answering me!
  7. M

    Anyone out there with an Engl Powerball?

    Actually I do. I suggest you to to checkout rocksolidamps website, it has a ton of mp3. Also check out lordriffenstein boards. just search for "engl forum" on google!
  8. M

    Help a guitarist to find his perfect tone!!!!

    Hi guys, I'm new to this board! I already own a ENGL Powerball which is great for rhythm etc... BUT it's not the tone I want for leads... I always wanted a creamy, warm and liquid tone!!! I've listen and watched to many video/mp3 regarding mesa amps. Now I've narrowed my choice between a Mark IV...