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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    Got my Studio Preamp

    VHT 2150
  2. B

    What power amp

    VHT 2150
  3. B

    Can someone explain cables to me?

    monster cable
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    RealMajor for G Major

    monster cable
  5. B

    6 inch 3 prong power cables

    monster cable
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    rack cables

    monster cable
  7. B

    Using 2 stereo preamps with one power amp? Switcher help!

    Hello, I am new here and have a question. How do I connect 2 stereo preamps together with one stereo poweramp? I have a Studio pre and love it! Duh! I am going to add another preamp to my setup and need advice on a switcher. What are you guys using? Is there anything under $100 that would do...