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  1. C

    LSS discontinued?

    I haven't heard about them disconting the LSS. I have one and absolutely love it. I have had probably 20 amps over the years and still have a half dozen. The LSS is by far my favorite. I got it about 9 months ago and blew a recefier tube the first week. I sent it to Mesa and they did an upgrade...
  2. C

    LSS and rectifier tube

    I had the mod done. So far 2 months and no tube prob. The tone is exactly as great after the mod as it was before..
  3. C

    LSS Shut Down

    I had the same problem. I sent mine to mesa and had a mod or upgrade that, so far (couple months) has solved the 5y3 blowing problem. I could have easily gotten discouraged with the initial problem however the sound of this amp to me is so good that it was worth the hassle to get it straightened...
  4. C

    LSS Problems w/5 watt channel: Already replaced 5y3

    They didn't give any specifics in the paperwork that they returned with the amp. The guy I spoke with on the phone at Mesa couldn't answer that question either but assured me that the guy that worked on these really knew his stuff. Sorry, I don't have any specific answers on this.
  5. C

    LSS Problems w/5 watt channel: Already replaced 5y3

    I just got mine back yesterday from Mesa after having them do a mod that I am told will solve the problem. They covered it under warranty. I played it most of last night and so far so good. The mod did nothing at all to the tone. Time will tell if this totally fixes the 5Y3 problem. I still...
  6. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    I sent my lss to CA over 2 weeks ago and am still waiting for its return. I have been promised that it will sound just as good as before.
  7. C

    What Mesa amp?

    I bought a Lone Star Special 3 weeks ago and love it. It does a great job at low volume too. I am now looking at Les Pauls just because this amp did such a great job with them at the store when I bought the amp. Ck it out, they are high but in my opinion they are definately keepers. They also...
  8. C

    LSS owner, help me identify this "mystery screw"

    Dang Murph, with your advice I just stripped the threads while trying for one time in my life to get too much mojo..?? jk,, actually it is a screw in the middle of the chassis that goes through a threaded place in the chassis and seems to go into the wood top of my combo into a slot that is 1/8"...
  9. C

    LSS owner, help me identify this "mystery screw"

    Anyone else care to chime in on this one? I have the same question?? I discovered the screw last week when I took my LSS chassis out of the 1x12 combo box to send it to mesa for the 5y3 mod.
  10. C

    LSS not good with Humbuckers? What?

    Agreed, I have strats and love the amp with them. I was guitar shopping for a LP yesterday and tried one through a LSS at GC. The LP I played through it sounded amazing and probably even better than my strats do on my rig at home.
  11. C

    LoneStar Classic Questions

    I like the sound of the 800 and have two of them. I want to go mesa because I am tired of my antique Marshalls going to the repair shop every 6 months for something that has gone wrong. I want to change to something more reliable is my reason for looking at a Mesa.
  12. C

    LoneStar Classic Questions

    I know it is difficult to describe sound but does the LSC with 34s sound anything in the ball park to the Stiletto or JCM800? I have a LSS and love it and want a second amp that is more classic Marshall. I tried out an Ace today and found it to be too thin for my taste. The salesman had me try...
  13. C

    Tone of the single-end mode on LS or LSS

    I had to weigh in on this one. I have had, and according to my wife still have, literally dozens of cool amps over my middle aged life. 4 of them have been mesas. I honestly have to say that my LSS (which I have only owned a coule of weeks) is so far absolutely my most favorite, as well as the...
  14. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    The mesa tech support said send to CA.. FedEx is same rate for next day delivery either destination. I hate to waste money but have been burned more times than not for NOT following the creedo "you usually get what you pay for". Not following that creedo was probably why a went through...
  15. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    No repair center in Houston I guess. With FedEx and the others it dosen't matter if it is across the state or across the country..
  16. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    I too have a combo. They said to just ship the chassis.. much cheeper and a lot easier to pack.
  17. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    They don't have a repair center in Houston so when I am ready to give it up for 2-3 weeks I will send it in. I was just curious if anyone else had done this for this specific problem and if so any regrets. I sure don't want to loose the tone this bad boy has..
  18. C

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    I called mesa today to get some info about the 5y3 tube problem on the LSS. They told me to "do not substitute a 5v4 or anything else. They also told me that they have a slight mod that makes the 5y3 last a lot longer and should solve the problem and does not altar the tone at all. They offered...
  19. C

    LSS fuse problems

    Appologies.. I did the search and see that this is a well discussed subject..
  20. C

    LSS fuse problems

    it was the 5Y3. Is there a trend on these going out? Man I have had a lot of amps but this LSS really is fun to play. Must be that I am morefing into middle age but this is an amp I probably would not have given a second chance 10 years ago but I am really digging it.