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  1. J

    Is it possible to replace the rack ears on a rack unit?

    Wow, I'm surprised they still make them. Thats great. Gonna order them now...
  2. J

    Just grabbed a Studio preamp on a whim. What am I in for?

    Cool. Now you've got me really psyched! I'm gonna be looking out the window for the UPS truck every 5 minutes now! I listened to all your songs and they're awesome. Not just the tone, but the playing too. How did you record these with the Studio Pre? Did you run the recording outs direct...
  3. J

    Tonal differences between Mesa 20/20 vs. 50/50

    Thanks for the replies. When I have the money it looks like I'm going to hunt down either a 20/20 or an old 50/50 with the low power switch. I'd love to have the ability to switch between 50 watts and 15 watts, and it looks like the old 50/50's go for a bit less than the 20/20's because...
  4. J

    Tonal differences between Mesa 20/20 vs. 50/50

    I guess I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too. I mainly bought the Studio Pre for a creamy jazz fusion lead sound, but at the same time I'd still like to please my soft spot for chugging a few power chords when I get home from work...and do it all with the same amp! By the way, I've been...
  5. J

    Just grabbed a Studio preamp on a whim. What am I in for?

    I read all 99 reviews on HC last night (took 5 hours) and grabbed a Studio that's missing the rack ears for $375. I've never heard one, but I am expecting I am in for something great. I chose it over the Quad because many people on HC said that after a comparison of both, the gain circuit in...
  6. J

    Is it possible to replace the rack ears on a rack unit?

    So I just bought this Notice that the rack ears are GONE. Is it possible to replace them? Does anyone even sell replacement ears?
  7. J

    Would my Revision F recto take a preamp into the fx return?

    If anyone knows anything about the Revision F line, would I be able to run a preamp into the fx return and bypass the amp's preamp section? It'd be awesome if I could use the Bold/Spongy and rectifier selection options with a preamp. Furthermore, if I were to use a footswitch to toggle the...
  8. J

    This Quad Preamp review made me LOL!

    Reliability: 8 Mesa has the worst service avaliable (that is when you live in DK) - F U C K you, Randall... Okay... a Mesa never breaks down. So Randall is lucky. Otherwise he would be dead. Customer Support: 1 Grrrr - must kill Randall. (from Harmony Central)
  9. J

    Kirk Hammett with some sweet blues tone from a Tremoverb! He plays on it for the first portion of the video, then you can see it next to him if you fast forward to 3:13. Don't let that Peavey combo behind him fool you - its not even turned on or plugged in. I've never heard any Recto sound...
  10. J

    Metallica Black Album and a blackface rectifier?

    They've got some awesome tone in that video where they play Battery. Good thing I've got one of those amps sitting 5 feet away from me or I don't know what I'd do!
  11. J

    Maverick/Blue Angel/Heartbreaker comparison - please help

    Actually I'm not looking for hi-gain. Sorry if I was misleading in my original post. Though I still have a soft spot for rock and metal, I'm mainly and jazz player now. I have a Roland JC-120 for my cleans, but I don't have any means of getting a creamy-mid-rangey-power-amp-saturated fusion...
  12. J

    Maverick/Blue Angel/Heartbreaker comparison - please help

    I'd like to know if anyone here who has experience with any or all of these could describe how they differ, or provide some answers to what I'm very curious about: Blue Angel - This was the first one I was interested in, but seeing that it has no gain knob, does this have to be CRANKED to get...
  13. J

    How much for a like new Tremoverb Head?

    I was recently keeping tabs on them on ebay and I didn't see any go for more than $1300 plus shipping.
  14. J

    Roadster ch3 and ch4

    I didn't necessarily find something I liked better than that setup, I just kept moving on and trying different combinations of EQ's, wattages, etc. Every day I played around with the amp's settings more and more. That amp is like a chemistry set, but with TONE. Its great how many combinations...
  15. J

    Roadster ch3 and ch4

    Yea I used that setup on my Roadster for a while. Worked out great. You might know this already, but channel 4 has more presence by default to make it edgier.
  16. J

    Modern equivalent of the Maverick, Blue Angel, Heartbreaker?

    Next on my list is one of these three. Since all 3 of these are discontinued, what did Mesa replace them with? The Express amps?
  17. J

    Roadster User Give Me Your Throughts !!

    I had a Roadster for a while. I had a hell of a time trying to get the cleans to not break up once I boosted the volume. I'd get it almost perfect, but once I passed a certain level of volume there would still be a slight edge of breakup that drove me nuts. I tried everything except...
  18. J

    Anyone ever try a 2ch DR and 3ch and prefer the 3ch?

    I traded my Roadster for a 2ch RevF w/ the Mark III transformer and so far I like the RevF better. I'm just curious if anyone prefers the newer ones and why. I wouldn't say any one is "better", they're just different. (I'd be interested to hear a 3ch DR with a Mark III transformer put in...)...
  19. J

    Dual Rectifier Clean Channel Gain Knob

    You could save the solo boost for when you use your clean channel. That way it won't be an odd volume compared to the other channels when you switch.
  20. J

    Dating a Trem-O-Verb

    U guys made me lol