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  1. H

    Sold, Delete me

    [Triple posted, sorry :)]
  2. H

    Sold, Delete me

    [Triple posted, sorry :)]
  3. H

    Sold, Delete me

  4. H

    Sold, Delete me

    Sold, Thank you!
  5. H

    Neck-Through Lutheirs?

    Anybody know of some manufacturers of neck-through necks? Carvin seems to build them but had very little or no wood options to choose from. I got a crazy idea for my next project. Mahogany neck through with brazilian rosewood. Alder "wings" resting on a maple plate bottom and Black Korina...
  6. H

    Wanted; guitar wiring schematic, I got headaches

    Got a PRS McCarthy style guitar and thought I wanted to try using the inner coils in parallell/series like the JPMM model but with a push pull pot so I can switch between series/parallell but I can't figure it out with an added three way switch. Does anyone know if this is possible or got a...
  7. H

    How to not answer a direct question?

    I had no idea other people have this problem aswell. When someone ask me I'm often baffled because its so obvious its almost sad they even ask. I do know that its a way to strike up a conversation but comon doesn't people in general have anything else to say? That's pretty much sums it up. I...
  8. H

    How to not answer a direct question?

    Yea, the problem is that it WILL cost me my job in the end. I've been honest at two jobs and surprisingly I'm not welcomed back. Been trying for three month to get those jobs back (good pay) but in the end I had to go with this crap I'm stuck with now because I've openly said it was pretty...
  9. H

    How to not answer a direct question?

    Background story. I've always had problems lying. Its down in my roots somehow so when people ask me a simple question like "how are you?" I say without thinking, "-Its ok" though its not, and in my head I go: "this is the shittiest job I have ever had in my life so its down to hell and beyond...
  10. H

    Do DiMarzio wax their pickups?

    Basicly what the thread subject say. I'm creating my own homebrew jp6 and just got my DiMarzio pups. I was thinking of waxing them before I start soldering but it struck me that they might be already. Anybody knows about this? would save me some trouble if they're already was waxed Peace.
  11. H

    Should I, could I "ruin" my IIC+ with Re-verb?

    I have a c+ with reverb as well. Never used it once. If I need reverb onstage ill use racks.
  12. H

    Guitar sustain breath control?

    Umm, this is quite odd to explain: I've been trying to duplicate Petruccis' "breath control" which he sometimes uses to create moods while playing smooth solos. He strikes a note (mostly on a single string) and the tone goes "oooooooooouuuuuuaaaaaaaa". Sounds like the guitar is wailing and...
  13. H

    Fender replace neck builders out there?

    Thanks for the replys. I have already considered the measurements of the longer neck but since I have no problem taking the powertool to my beloved strat I will also adjust the saddle a little further down. I figured if I check the measurement of existing 24 fret prs guitars I could somehow...
  14. H

    Fender replace neck builders out there?

    I want to replace the neck on my stratocaster to a slimmer 24 fret version with brazilian rosewood for more playability. I've only seen warmoth doing custom jobs like this but there must be more. Anyone have any recommendations?
  15. H

    Electronic Kit?

    Yep, that's the one. Thank you :D
  16. H

    Electronic Kit?

    A while ago somebody here mentioned a site who sold electronic kits, pots and cables and stuff so your pickups would sound really good. Now I can't find it anywhere. Anybody know what I'm talking about or know the page in question?