How to not answer a direct question?

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Dec 17, 2007
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Background story. I've always had problems lying. Its down in my roots somehow so when people ask me a simple question like "how are you?" I say without thinking, "-Its ok" though its not, and in my head I go: "this is the shittiest job I have ever had in my life so its down to hell and beyond I'm just here because I have to, thank you very much". Somehow people often read this in my face and mood. Though perhaps they totally understands it it lead to strange things. I don't always want to be this honest with people really. Its very frustrating since conversations often goes into how shitty everything is and people feel a bit weird around me I guess.

I've just got a new job for the summer and I'm already getting in trouble for beeing a little antisocial so here's a fun thread for you all:

How do you not answer a direct question like the politicians do it?

P.S. I'm not often moody like this but recently things have gone really bad and I can't help it at the moment. It's affecting my surroundings and need some cheap help, not a psychiatrist :)
I just tell it how it is. When someone asks how I'm doing, if it's not going great, my response is something like "Not worth a f@#k, thanks for asking though. Have a good day!" , or "Just f**king peachy."

There's a point where that doesn't work, but usually it gets people off my back for a while.
Yea, the problem is that it WILL cost me my job in the end. I've been honest at two jobs and surprisingly I'm not welcomed back. Been trying for three month to get those jobs back (good pay) but in the end I had to go with this crap I'm stuck with now because I've openly said it was pretty boring (so why invest in me is their answer).

Who can blame me being distant when I'm dreaming of fat Record Deals and a sexy Mark IIC+ at home.

Could be handy to be able to fork away in any conversation like a monkey politician. And yes I do feel like an old lady talking like this :)
When people greet me by asking how I'm doing, I just say hi & keep on walking. I hate PC & small talk with a passion. Like: "It sure is cold outside today." No **** Sherlock, its fuggin' December! heh dumbass
thats why most of the time when people ask how i'm dong i usually just say "well, i'm still alive" or "just livin"
I hate PC & small talk with a passion. Like: "It sure is cold outside today." No sh!t Sherlock, its fuggin' December! heh dumbass

Ya same here. When someone tries to smalltalk i usually switch the subject to how cool my mesa is.
the trick to people is to start small, and on people whom the "lie" doesn`t concern(children,elderly,ect.) after some practice you should be able to fake your way through life quite easily. i know i do, i had a great teacher! my father, man was he great!!
My suggestion(not knowing what you do for a living) is to evaluate if this is really what you want to do. No since being unhappy about how you put food on the table or fincance your guitar habit or recording asspirations. It will not help your physical or emotional health. It could ultimately lead to problems in both areas that will effect your life outside of the work environment. Better to address that now before you do irrepairable damage to your physical and emotional state while damaging future career opportunities.

I'd worry less about how you come across to other people and focus on that first. You only go around this big blue marble once. Enjoy it while your here.
clutch71 said:
My suggestion(not knowing what you do for a living) is to evaluate if this is really what you want to do. No since being unhappy about how you put food on the table or fincance your guitar habit or recording asspirations. It will not help your physical or emotional health. It could ultimately lead to problems in both areas that will effect your life outside of the work environment. Better to address that now before you do irrepairable damage to your physical and emotional state while damaging future career opportunities.

I'd worry less about how you come across to other people and focus on that first. You only go around this big blue marble once. Enjoy it while your here.

A big +1 here. If you can't leave your current job for a better one right at the moment just look at it as a means to an end. That is, use it to offer a means of doing what you like outside of work. Music I would presume would be near the top. My job is ok, the pay is good and it offers me a means of providing for my family plus buying all sorts of really cool gear. :D :D :D
I really don't get it when people say "what's up"? Does that mean what am I up to or how am I doing?
Sorry. Didn't mean to talk about me, this is about you. And that's the main focus. You can make the day to day endurance better by just going through the motions of looking for something better. Start actively looking for something else you might enjoy doing. That in itself will make you feel a little better.
Hang in there little brother. It will get better.
or start visiting a massage parlor, if you tip well you could get a happy ending. spending your lunch breaks doing that would probably improve your mood greatly.
Let me take a wild guess.. are you located on the west coast?

I live in Cali now but one thing I miss about living in NJ (where I grew up) is you can just say how you feel and nobody gets weirded out by it. You could talk about how you think your job is crappy to your boss and he would just laugh and say something like 'if you liked it here then it wouldn't be work and you wouldn't be getting payed'. Then you would laugh and that would be that.

On the west coast I've found you can be a lazy sh!t and nobody will care as long as you have a good attitude. You can be the hardest worker in the building and if your attitude sucks you will probably get fired for it regardless of all of your hard work. I hope I don't sound like I'm Cali bashing here though because I'll take Cali over dirty Jersey any day! =)

I used to have the worst attitude in the world so I think I can sympathize with you.

Anyway here is my advice:

Be happy you even have a job!!!! It's getting tough out there right now. Also, the job you have now is what helps get you your next job. So having a good attitude and being on the good side of your boss and your co workers is only going to help you out in the future. Getting a strong recommendation from your current boss for a future job will definitely help you land a job.

I know it can be tough 'faking it' with people but being negative towards the situation is actually much worse than just showing up, doing your job and going home isn't it?

What's worse? Going to a job where you need to move bricks all day OR going to a job where you need to move bricks all day and thinking about how terrible it is with each and every brick you move?

Think about it.
RJ2213 said:
or start visiting a massage parlor, if you tip well you could get a happy ending. spending your lunch breaks doing that would probably improve your mood greatly.

PS This is also a viable solution.

clutch71 said:
I really don't get it when people say "what's up"? Does that mean what am I up to or how am I doing?
Sorry. Didn't mean to talk about me, this is about you.

I had no idea other people have this problem aswell. When someone ask me I'm often baffled because its so obvious its almost sad they even ask. I do know that its a way to strike up a conversation but comon doesn't people in general have anything else to say?

On the west coast I've found you can be a lazy sh!t and nobody will care as long as you have a good attitude. You can be the hardest worker in the building and if your attitude sucks you will probably get fired for it regardless of all of your hard work. I hope I don't sound like I'm Cali bashing here though because I'll take Cali over dirty Jersey any day! =)

That's pretty much sums it up. I have a kind of black humor that bubbles up when I'm really bored. In an office building this must be one of the top ten worst things you can do. Some boss or other is bound to catch something of what you say and not understand the joke. Forward it, and voila, I'm in for a happy talk with the boss. Next thing you know I'm out the door looking for other jobs.

Be happy you even have a job!!!!
What's worse? Going to a job where you need to move bricks all day OR going to a job where you need to move bricks all day and thinking about how terrible it is with each and every brick you move?

You are absolutely right. I am happy about that part. I was so broke I almost had to let go of my dear old Mark IIC+. Not the part where I almost got a job with twice the money for half the work, but didn't because the former foreman didn't like my mood two years ago(and the sole fact that I didn't have anything to say about dogs. Its a long and frustrating story). I'll try to find that massage therapist on monday for something creative to do.

I'm the muck of society, an exile student who rather liked music more than math. I swapped in the middle of them both and now I'm stuck there.

It wasn't really meant to be all about me you know but I'm grateful for all the aspiring psychiatrists we have on the board its really helpful :D

Oh and we do have a massage parlor in the building (and the therapist is really pretty).
A friend of mine says, regardless of how he's feeling: "Can't one will listen!"

It's funny, and hard to mess up the delivery, so people like it, and making people laugh is a small bright spot in the day.

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