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  1. A

    Question for Triaxis users.

    I think I use 10-15 sounds, with CC on most of'm. I have Fenderisch clean with some breakup, mark pristine clean, Fender on 10 sounds, midgain Lead2, two higain Lead2, and those tailored to two guitars. I use the clean modes en L2 yellow and green, and sometimes L1 yellow or green. I never...
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    Mesa EQ sound with other brand EQ

    Anyone have any experiences with eq's that would get the typical 5-band Mesa V? The frequencies are clearly known, but would you use a para with which Q, or a graphic? thanks, Jan
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    Tone or skill ? What should come first ?

    This is what Allan Holdsworth says about it: “Gear is important, but its purpose is to fine-tune your sound, not to make your sound,” says Holdsworth. “That comes from the hands.” Check one of his clips with Soft Machine on a SG and Vox, and then find something of this year. You'll hear a...
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    Noisy TriAxis

    I'm telling you my experiences, hoping it may shed some light, and you roll your eyes. Is this what you call appreciation of comments? :lol: Is confirmation that the Triaxis is an execptionally noisy unit just what you want to hear? Anyway, best with your Triaxis, I'm loving mine, with...
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    Noisy TriAxis

    I don't find my Triaxis noisy at all, except for the normal amount when using lots of gain. The hush function in my Intellifex easily copes with that. Jan
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    2:90 Deep, Modern ON/OFF clip request

    I'd like to hear what those modes do to the sound with a Triaxis. I have a Triaxis which I use with a 50/50, but if I use the suggested settings in the manual or editor, the higain sounds sound to dull. When I turn up the presence on the Triaxis and 50/50, it's ok, but I'd like to hear what...
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    Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

    Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it. **** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound. You have...
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    Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

    Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it. **** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound. You have...
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    Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

    Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it. **** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound. You have...
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    Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

    I did when I first started programming it. But the Triaxis doesn't respond at all. I'm using expression pedal two; does this mean I need to choose controller 8 on the Triaxis? Jan
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    Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

    I've been trying to get it to work, but no result. I've got the right expression pedal of the fcb on midi ch 2, which is the channel my Triaxis is on and in the Triaxis patch I've assigned everything correctly. The only thing I can think of is the controller nr might be wrong. Which one do I...
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    Triaxis "Crap" Mod on LD1 Red - anyone able to use

    I have a V2.0 non phat, and I get a big fat sound from L1 red. Balance the highs and lows and don't completely cut all the mids, and you're cooking. Try some of the settings from the triaxis preset editor and start from there, it'll depend on your guitar and poweramp too. Jan
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    Question about tube emplacement in a 50/50

    It's BBAA, according to my tech. I had my 50/50 serviced last monday, and since I'm only using it with one cab right now, the tech pulled the two tubes on the left (standing to the front of the amp). He also biased it, and that made a huge difference. He put in a little potmeter to alter the...
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    50/50 Hum

    Since yesterday, I have a lot of hum on my 50/50. I use it with one cab now, and I turn the B side knobs to zero with no cable in the B output. Even if nothing is connected to the input (A), there's this hum. Strangest thing is, when I put my GForce in front of it, the hum is almost gone...
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    Post your Rig!

    It sounds great : mine has V30/G12H30 in an x and I've got a tight and warm sound. The Engl gives much more bass though, they work really well together. I'm from Belgium. Jan
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    Retubing older model 50/50

    I thought that was only the case with Mesa tubes. But anything with the same rating will do, apparentlly. thanks, Jan
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    Retubing older model 50/50

    Can you just put in the JJ's, or do they need biasing? thanks, Jan
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    Post your Rig!

    new cabs : board du mois Jan
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    What Cabinets are you guys using...

    I sold my Marshall cabs (one with V30's, one with Greenbacks) when I got my Mesa stuff (Quad 50/50), and heard comparisons with the Marshalls and a 212 Engl. I got the latter to replace my greenback cab, and then the V30 cab sounded really dull and fizzy next to the Engl. After some searching...
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    Retubing older model 50/50

    I have one with the low power switch, and I don't think it has any 12ax7's (I can't see any). Do I need mesa tubes, or would a good 6l6GC from Eurotubes or any other work? thanks, Jan