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  1. S

    Issues with Recto Preamp/Recto 2:100 setup.

    No that's not the way I understood it. The 'Modern' voicing is engaged whenever you switch into it, however, the identical circuit to a dual rectifier is activated when you connect the 'Modern' cable between the Rec Pre and 2:100. It's basically 2 Dual Rectifiers this way. (nice!) Here, you...
  2. S

    Recto 2:100 Power amp trouble. One side louder.

    My pair does the same thing, assuming we're all using a Rec Pre and 2:100. I have them connected so it works with only the Rec Pre volume controlling everything. What I believe is happening when you cable the 2 together is that the poweramp is at full throttle. The volume knobs no longer...
  3. S

    Complete Overkill-Stiletto/DualRec/Triaxis/JMP-1 Audio Demos

    Nice that you have a mic! I can't wait... So I think that the distortion is huge, and I wonder if the input was clipped or something? This may have added distortion to the clip. From what I know of Mesa distortion, there is something here making it even fuzzier. So I suspect a low volume...
  4. S

    Recto Pre Recording Outs

    This is going to seem mild... :? Milking the Rec Pre for it's recording outputs, no amp was used whatsoever. Girls @beach, I'm home to lay down a quick 4 track. The pickup is EMG 81. One of my favorite channels/modes is Brit Hi Gain, but getting...
  5. S

    Post your Rig!

  6. S

    New Rig

    Not necessary, processors have mixers if you wanted to eliminate all dry signal from them, you could. (but it sounds bad) Actually the expensive FX units still hurt the tone with A/D/A conversions. No matter the brand, it's going to change the tone. In order to preserve the sound of, example...
  7. S

    New Rig

    The 2:100/Rec Pre are said to be the same circuit as found in the Rectifier heads. I purchased them because I wanted to use a totally stereo rig with effects and all kinda junk. I ended up with preference for a wet/dry/wet setup. The dry side of that is just Rec Pre/2:100/Cab. It's very...
  8. S

    Now how is this for a rig

    I would pair the Bogners together, keep them. Pair the Stiletto/Recto cab, keep them, keep the MP-1, the RoadKing and sell the rest. I would then retolex the Mesa cab with something that matches the Stiletto head and have Bogner, Mesa, MP-1 covered, selling the rest for something Orange...