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  1. C

    best passives for shred

    Seriously look into one. I think that will give You the tone that You're searching for. I'm actually really wanting another one. I just ended up selling the guitar that had it, but I would have liked to have kept that pickup!
  2. C

    best passives for shred

    I see what You mean. That sounds like a very bright and in your face kind of sound with a lot of bite and presence. I really don't think the Lawrence would suit that style. I had a Lawrence pickup and it was bright but too jangly sounding with the strings. Not the sound You are after. You...
  3. C

    Distortion pedal recommendations???

    Recently I've been running a ProCo Turbo Rat Pedal into my Mesa Quad for a little more sustain and bite. Its true that many of Mesa's amps have sufficient gain on tap, but I find that I can get a different sound if You don't run the lead channel full bore, and compensate with a stompbox. If...
  4. C

    best passives for shred

    I think Your decision depends also on the type of shred You intend play. For example, Malmsteen and Petrucci are both prime examples of shredders, but their tones and styles are completely different. Which style are You leaning towards? I bet those Fender Noiseless pickups are great for that...
  5. C

    Mesa Quad Preamp Sounds

    Sorry for the shoddy quality of the video, the actual studio recordings on there give a much better approximation of the Quad sound.
  6. C

    Mesa Quad Preamp Sounds

    I've got a video and music on our band's myspace page with plenty of Quad sounds to listen to. All distorted rhythms on the songs except for "The Game" are done with the Quad. Also, the entire video is done using my Quad setup. Also, if anyone is interested...
  7. C

    Help Me Decide!

    Alright, I'm narrowing it down to either the Mark IV or the Stiletto. My gut is really pushing me toward the Mark because I'm so in love with the Quad, but I'm going to reserve judgement until I hear what the Stiletto can do.
  8. C

    Help Me Decide!

    Wow, thanks for all the quick responses guys! Basically, here's kind of how I'm rating amps on a personal scale as of now: 1. (tie) Mark IV / Stiletto 2. Lonestar 3. Express Series I'm pretty much ruling out the Rectifier series (nice tone, just doesn't seem to be my thing). A couple of...
  9. C

    Help Me Decide!

    I have been leaning towards one, but I just wanted to get some opinions first. My nearest Mesa dealer is hours away so I don't have the luxury of demo-ing these amps. A local dealer said he could probably special order something if I knew which one I wanted.
  10. C

    Help Me Decide!

    First of all, I'd like to say Hello to everyone here. I've been a long time browser of these boards and have gotten a ton of great information from them. Here's my situation. I've been playing through a Mesa Quad Preamp for a good long while, but since the band has been playing out more, I'd...