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Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Longview, TX
First of all, I'd like to say Hello to everyone here. I've been a long time browser of these boards and have gotten a ton of great information from them.

Here's my situation. I've been playing through a Mesa Quad Preamp for a good long while, but since the band has been playing out more, I'd like to get something brand new with a warranty and support from Mesa. What I don't know is where to go from there.

What I need:
An amp with good cleans and a killer lead channel.
It'd be nice to have a separate EQ for each channel.
Something that accepts basic effects pretty well (overdrive, phase, wah).

Over the top distortion is not necessary. I like a good sounding rock/classic metal sound ala Queensryche, Judas Priest, or Iron Maiden.

I have songs and a video on the band's myspace if anyone needs an idea of what type of music this amp will be running.

Thanks in advance for any advice You guys could give me.
I have been leaning towards one, but I just wanted to get some opinions first. My nearest Mesa dealer is hours away so I don't have the luxury of demo-ing these amps. A local dealer said he could probably special order something if I knew which one I wanted.
I realize it might be hard to try but I would highly recommend never purchasing something like this without playing one yourself. You can read tons of things on the internet but none of them matter except for what your own ears hear.

The Mark IV would be a good fit too given the style of music you play and your desire for a nice clean/lead.
Platypus said:
I realize it might be hard to try but I would highly recommend never purchasing something like this without playing one yourself. You can read tons of things on the internet but none of them matter except for what your own ears hear.

The Mark IV would be a good fit too given the style of music you play and your desire for a nice clean/lead.

+1 on both counts! Mark IVs are very versatile.

You might already know this, but I'll throw it out anyway. You might also want to consider Mesas that allow swapping different style tubes; you can get very different sounds with EL34s vs 6L6s. The Mark IV also allows you to run 4 6V6s for a more "authentic" Fender clean sound. Nomads, Tremoverbs and others also provide this feature. The Mesa website should provide plenty of food for thought....but, as Platypus said, hearing is believing.

Good luck.

If you like the Quad pre-amp the MarkIV will be familiar.

I love my Mark I (RI), but it doesn't channel switch (unless you do it outboard).

Lonestars are pretty popular with guys looking for more tweed tones.
I like the aggression of Mark series.
I didn't know anything about boogie amps until a friend of mine got a Mark IV. I basically plugged my guitar up to it and played while he switched channels and showed me what all tone options the Mark IV was capable of. I was sold then and there. The cleans are tight and sparkling, Rhythm 2 is reminiscent of early Ty Tabor's (King's X) tone and the Lead channel nails JPs tone. What more could you ask for?!

I'd say you can't go wrong with a Mark IV....... But try it out first if you have the chance........
Although it sounds like the Stilletto is your amp, you might consider looking at the Express series for comparison: they do have awesome cleans and are capable of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden & Queensryche tones on the burn channel with the contour control.
Wow, thanks for all the quick responses guys! Basically, here's kind of how I'm rating amps on a personal scale as of now:

1. (tie) Mark IV / Stiletto
2. Lonestar
3. Express Series

I'm pretty much ruling out the Rectifier series (nice tone, just doesn't seem to be my thing). A couple of things about the above though. If I decide to go for the Stiletto, do the Ace vs. the Deuce sound dramatically different or can they get about the same tones? I've heard a lot of debate either way about these. Also, is the Lonestar or the Express capable of good rock/metal tones? Not talking Lamb of God here, but think Rainbow/Judas Priest through Queensryche/Stryper. I've decided that I am going to bite the bullet and drive to a Mesa dealer to try some of these out. I'd still really appreciate anybody's input. Mayble it'll at least help me figure out which models I should concentrate on while I'm there.
Crimson_Jonny said:
Wow, thanks for all the quick responses guys! Basically, here's kind of how I'm rating amps on a personal scale as of now:

1. (tie) Mark IV / Stiletto
2. Lonestar
3. Express Series

I'm pretty much ruling out the Rectifier series (nice tone, just doesn't seem to be my thing). A couple of things about the above though. If I decide to go for the Stiletto, do the Ace vs. the Deuce sound dramatically different or can they get about the same tones? I've heard a lot of debate either way about these. Also, is the Lonestar or the Express capable of good rock/metal tones? Not talking Lamb of God here, but think Rainbow/Judas Priest through Queensryche/Stryper. I've decided that I am going to bite the bullet and drive to a Mesa dealer to try some of these out. I'd still really appreciate anybody's input. Mayble it'll at least help me figure out which models I should concentrate on while I'm there.

Re: Deuce vs Ace.. no they dont sound the same because the Deuce has a 100W OT and the Ace has a 50W OT.. it affects the tone despite both of them being able to use 50W power.

Lonestar doing those bands.. personally I don't think so no, you'd really want a Stiletto for that type of thing. The LSC is a great rock amp dont get me wrong but just not the style you're talking about.
Alright, I'm narrowing it down to either the Mark IV or the Stiletto. My gut is really pushing me toward the Mark because I'm so in love with the Quad, but I'm going to reserve judgement until I hear what the Stiletto can do.
maybe you already bought your amp, but I was talking to the guitarist in Queensryche the other day (seriously, I was) and he said the hot amp right now he's using is Hughes & Kettner Switchblade. Maybe he's using it because they gave him one, I don't know, but he did say he didn't like the "fizz" sound on recto's and wanted something clearer - thus the Hughes amp. For what it's worth. I'm a recto player myself - I think I'm looking for the same sound you are so always in the relentless pursuit of tone.
MkIV 's don't fizz ... unless you've blown your ears out and can adjust them

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