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  1. M

    new roadster

    Here is a great amp/speaker combination. The oversize 4x12 and a 2x12 is the best of both worlds. It took me a while to put it all together, but now it sounds awsome. I run my amps in stereo from a boss pedal.
  2. M

    Post your Rig!

    Still have both of my Pauls.
  3. M

    Post your Rig!

    I went from... to this...
  4. M

    Post your Rig!

    Here is my Rig...
  5. M

    Post your Roadster

    Here is mine...
  6. M

    Whoo-Hoo !!!!! My Roadster is in.

    I've been searching a long time for this tone. I finally found it with the Roadster. Gotta Luv it...
  7. M

    I have the ROADSTER!

    I've had mine since May this year. I'm so happy with it. (Besides the pop when I switch channels). I play mine in stereo with a Marshall head and cab. I only have a Recto 2x12 cab with my Roadster but it blows away my Marshall TSL60 with a 4x12 cab.