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  1. D

    Running a preamp into the Mark V effects return...

    I'm about to get a Recto Recording Preamp, mostly for direct recording use, but the manual also says you can run one of the live outputs into the "effects return of a self-contained amp". So I figure as a bonus, I can run the Recto Pre into my MarkV effects return for some fun additions to the...
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    The perils of changing the V1 preamp tube

    Is it just me that thinks it is a pain in the butt to swap out the V1 tube in the Mark V?! :roll: I got a MESA SPAX7 to try in the V1 just to see if it really made any difference, but I've been putting off trying it just because that position is so tricky to get at. Last night I decided to...
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    Thinking of buying a Mark V - seeking opinions

    I myself upgraded from an Express 5:50 combo to a Mark V head earlier this year. I had been pretty happy with the Express, but getting the Mark V was a revelation - like going from a Skoda to a Lambourghini :D ! Honestly, the variety of killer tones on offer is staggering, this amp really does...
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    Dumb noobie question on power tube changing

    Great - nice clear answer for the Tubely-challenged (did I just invent a new word?!) amongst us :D Thanks!
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    Dumb noobie question on power tube changing

    I'm kind of embarrassed to ask, but... I just got a set of MESA EL34s to pop into my Mark V head and can't wait to hear what difference they make. I got the "cage" off this morning, but before I do anythign drastic, could someone kindly give me the drill on how to remove the 6L6s without...
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    Can't believe I just joined the Mark V club!

    Thanks for all the suggestions regarding delay units guys! :) I got myself a T.C. Electronics Nova Repeater (slightly stripped down version of the Nova Delay), which I hooked up in the loop yesterday and sounds just great 8) BTW, should I have got some sort of cover for my Mark V? I had...
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    Can't believe I just joined the Mark V club!

    Well I finally did it - just traded in my Express 5:50 1x12 combo and Edwards ES335, thrown in a bunch of cash and picked up a Mark V head :D ! This will clearly be a long voyage of exploration, but I love my new amp so far. I can't believe how good this sounds and how easy it is to tame at...
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    Re-tubing a Tiny Terror

    Hi Mavguy........ know what you mean about those addictions: I've already been into guitar collecting therapy, so I guess I'm ready for a new obssession :D I did actually try a 12AU7 in V1 with the 12AY7, but that turned the Tiny Terror into a Small Sweetie :lol: :!: I possibly found a...
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    Re-tubing a Tiny Terror

    Hi Can't say I noticed a big drop in overall volume as such, but definitely a big effect on the gain level. It still rocks pretty hard at the top end, but the gain range just becomes more usable for me. To my ears, all I "lost" was the bit where the amp turns from saturated to fizzy :!:
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    Re-tubing a Tiny Terror

    Hi For any of you guys who also use an Orange Tiny Terror (in addition to your Mesa-Boogie of course :D :!: ) - I just re-tubed mine and it sounds excellent. I swapped the stock power tubes for TAD EL84s and swapped out the Orange-branded 12AX7 in v2 for an EH 12AY7. The slightly lower gain...
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    Lost ch 1 in my Express 5:50!

    Thanks Platypus :D ! Something really weird happened though. After switching off and leaving it for an hour or so, when I switched back on again, ch1 worked perfectly :?: :shock: Ch2 sounded a bit strange for the first minute or so, but then it sounded fine too. I've "re-started" several...
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    Lost ch 1 in my Express 5:50!

    Hi Had my Express 5:50 for a couple of months, and no problems until now. Was working fine two nights ago and had just sat quietly in the corner of my home studio since then.... I just turned it on for some Saturday afternoon fun, but there is basically no sound on channel 1, which also now...
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    My Express Demo Vid

    Hi Pyro Great clips! I've had my 5:50 for a few weeks now and I'm finding great new sounds every time I plug in :D ! It is a very versatile amp, and works well with any guitar, but it seems like the best combination is with my PRS McCarty. A little unexpected, as I thought the "obvious" no. #1...
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    Express Review

    I've been an Express 5:50 owner for one whole week now :) Some conclusions so far: :arrow: Clean tones/reverb to die for :arrow: Nice blues lead tones :arrow: Excellent, cultured lead tone in Burn mode - plenty of gain for me :!: :arrow: Not so great crunch/rhythm tones so far :(...
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    Don't flame me -dumb question from a tube-newbie!

    Thanks guys for all the help and advice! ........ and for the complete absence of napalm :lol: :!:
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    Don't flame me -dumb question from a tube-newbie!

    Now you're all going to laugh at me :oops: :!: I've got an Express 5:50 1x12 combo and while I had the protective grill off to check something else out, I had a good look around inside. I can see how the 6L6s can be accessed and removed when replacement becomes necessary, but I'm a bit...
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    wrong speaker impedance in Express 5:50?

    A happy ending to this story :D The Mesa international sales guy in the UK got back to me within 2 days. He told me that Mesa get the drivers from Celestion without stickers on the back, and add those themselves during assembly. He told me where to look for an additional label with a code...
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    wrong speaker impedance in Express 5:50?

    Duh :oops: :!: Didn't think to poke the flag :wink: ! Thanks Clutch
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    wrong speaker impedance in Express 5:50?

    Hi I finally joined this hallowed club for real, and picked up my Express 5:50 1x12 combo yesterday :D ! I'm having fun so far, but one thing concerns me: the 1x12 should have an 8 ohm speaker as far as I understand, but when I looked in the back of the cab, the Black Shadow has "16 ohms...
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    Power tubes in Express 5:25

    That makes sense - should have thought of that :) Saves some money too :!: Thanks for de-confusing me.