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  1. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    Man, I hate sitting here at work when all I wanna do is troubleshoot my amp. DAMNIT I hope I didnt screw myself.
  2. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    So maybe Ive fucked myself by having my rig connected wrong?? If this was the case and my head was damaged from a mismatched ohmage (is that a word), what would the symptoms be? Would it trip the fuse? (which is something that Ive never done)
  3. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    Hmm, well I was originally running just one cord but found that I was only hearing two speakers work. I assumed that it was a stereo cab and needed two cables. I assumed wrong?
  4. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    Btw, this is correct right? I still dont really understand ohms. Whats the saying again? Low into high will fly, high into low wont go. Right? Or do I have it backwards. A run down would be appreciated someone, also, tell me if I am hooking my cab up properlly to my head.
  5. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    Haha sorry guys, when relaying what my settings were, I wrote them not in clock type fashion but rather just how it would appear from 1-10. My settings in clock hand fashion in and around these, Prescence - 10-12 Volume - 10-11 Gain - 12-2 Bass - 1 Mid - 9-10 Treble - 1-2 Sorry for any...
  6. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    Thanks for all the help guys, you've given me a bunch of things to look at here. As far as the power tubes, they are Mesa 6L6's. And as far as my orginal tubes, they are long gone. Ive had this for about 2 years and never bothered keeping the old ones around. Whats this about faulty caps...
  7. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    The pedals I run, are through the front because for some reason my fx loop is wonky in the back. So I the fx loop setting knob at like the first one on the left of the dial, which I believe says Loop On? No, currently in slot 1 is a JJ electronics one. When I play In Channel 3 (2 is very...
  8. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    I should also say that I usually play with it on diodes and bold. Ive flipped it over to tubes and theres still an issue, not as major, but still a problem.
  9. T

    At my wits end!!! (Triple Rec help PLEASE)

    So I came here once before and everyones help was incredible and after months of problem free enjoyment Iam having another problem. I realize this will be really hard to describe to you guys so I will do my best. Basically, a few weeks ago I noticed the head just not sounding right but...
  10. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Ok, sorry lets see here. I have my noise suppressor up front, works fine. Perfectly in fact. So thats not an issue anymore. I am trying to run my reverb through the FX loop and all is well on my clean channel. I click over to channel 3 and I get pure HUM, just disgusting hum. If I turn my...
  11. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Well see the thing is, the pedal works perfectly when I have it on "LOOP ON" and my fx loop unplugged. The pedal does its job. So like I said, something isnt right still, the pedals out front are not working right with the fx loop. I dont know, I am at a loss. I am going to try new pre amps and...
  12. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Well thanks you to siggy I've solved my one problem but now Ive created a few more now! :) I am going to try and keep this as concise as possible without getting too convoluted. So I switch over the fx selector knob to footswitch, click on my FX loop on the footswitch and hook up my reverb...
  13. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Just found that, thanks again siggy. I am heading to our jam room and am going to have a few brews, smoke a few and just experiment with everything. I'll report back on what Ive found.
  14. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Thanks again dude, I will do what you say in regards to the solo knob. I really only use the solo button during breakdowns when I want that extra umph.
  15. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    First off, THANK YOU so much siggy! Yes I do have the pedal going from in to send, out to return. I have the knob switched to "loop on", is that my problem? It should be switched to footswitch setting?? If so, I am a moron. I will take your suggestions and experiment when I head to the jam...
  16. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Also, I was running a Turbo Tube Screamer for awhile, and while I adjusted the gain on the amp, did that have something to do with wearing out my tubes the first time? Your putting a pre amp into a hi gain preamp which is pretty much overkill, isnt it? After I retubed the power amps I took the...
  17. T

    Triple Rec Help needed for a semi newbie!

    Hey guys, I'll make this as short as possible. About a year ago I purchased a Triple Rec and Mesa 4x12 cab, it was love as first strum. I know that it may have been a bit excessive but I fell in love with the balls and crunch of the Triple. Anyways, I bought the head used and about 3 months ago...