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  1. H

    If your getting bad Triaxis sounds....?

    I agree. Small rooms are not triaxis/mesa friendly. The tone is very brittle. One you open up the amp a bit, and the sounds are not bouncing off the walls it sounds awesome. I've had the same issue with my Mark IV and Triaxis/2:50.
  2. H

    If I get new tubes for a 20/20 Poweramp do I need Biasing?

    Doug has a good reputation and he certainly has tubes that are to mesa spec. Just remember that you can do alot more with eq than with a tube change, unless the tubes are bad.
  3. H

    If I get new tubes for a 20/20 Poweramp do I need Biasing?

    If you get mesa tubes you dont need to bias. Other tube resellers will also sell tubes that are within the correct range.
  4. H

    TriAxis FX Loop Failure...

    oh, i misunderstood. If you are using a mono poweramp check to see that you are returing to effect return 1 of you are using output 1.
  5. H

    TriAxis FX Loop Failure...

    hey, might be the output levels of your effects unit.
  6. H

    Speaker Cab Jack

    Hey, I'm going to replace my speaker cab jack with a switchcraft. Anyone know what model jack I need for a standard 8omh 1x12 speaker connection? Thanks
  7. H

    Preamp tube with the lease amount of highs

    dont mind a six monther, but id like some more reliable options too. ill probably try both. anyone try the GT-12ax7-C ?
  8. H

    Preamp tube with the lease amount of highs

    Hey, Im looking for the 12ax7 with the lease amount of highs or shrillness. Which tubes should I be looking at? Thanks
  9. H

    Which tubes to pull on a 50\50 to get half power?

    you cannot pull tubes in the 50/50. Each pair represent 1 channel, 50w per side. If you pull one tube on the channel you are using you will not get good tone (possibly no tone, and will probably damage the amp. BTW the outer tubes are channel A while the inner tubes are B
  10. H

    Steve Vai - For the Love of God (cover)

    hey, what are you using for that tone?
  11. H

    I made some Clips with the newly recapped/modded Tri-2:90

    awsome tones, what cab and mic are you using? any EQ?
  12. H

    Mesa 2:50 Driver Tubes

    Dont know why there are 3 but there are in the 2:50. I dont know that they are the source of the harshness, thats what im asking about.
  13. H

    Using a Mesa Fifty/Fifty & speaker cabs for hi fi

    just get 2 speakers and a sub for 30-50.
  14. H

    Mesa 2:50 Driver Tubes

    my speaker is way past broken in.
  15. H

    Mesa 2:50 Driver Tubes

    Hey, Has anyone tried replacing the driver tubes in the 2:50. They are the 3 12ax7 tubes which drive the power amp (you need to remove the cover to get to them). Im trying to get a warmer sound (ie. remove some of the top end fizz or harshenss. Has anyone tried this? if so what have you put in...
  16. H

    Help Diagmosing problem

    Last night I had an issue on a gig that i need help diagnosing. I was getting no tone out of my 2:50. I pluged direclty in and still nothing. Tried both channels, nothing. Its not the speaker cable because i tried a different one. I unscrewed the jack plate and the wires and jack was good. after...
  17. H

    Triaxis 2:90 and Boss GT PRO

    I have been using the triaxis with the gt pro for a year and a half. I run a five cable method setup (six if you are running stereo). I plug the guitar into the gt, then gt loop out into the triaxis input, then the trixis effects send to the gt pro effects return then the gt pro main out to the...
  18. H

    Triaxis getting closer

    I run my triaxis in my GT-Pros's effects loop, then run the gt pro(main outs) back into the triaxis will need to mess around with the levels to get it just right but you have the full pallet of effects available that way. in addition you can use the triaxis record out to record or go direct to a...
  19. H

    Can dodgy household electrics do this?

    hey, can be anything - certain types of lightbulbs (halogens) computer monitor etc. Ive come across bad power many times, but a power conditoner ususally does not help. Your split humbucker could be hotter than the single coil hence more noise or your singles could be noiseless or low noise coils.