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  1. B

    stiletto vs rockerverb

    I have both a Stage 1 Stiletto Deuce and a Rockerverb 50. FWIW, the Orange is my absolute favorite Strat-lead amp. It's cool for other stuff too, but for me it has a very distinct flavor that's always present in all the tones it has. I love it, and would hate to have to part with it, but it's...
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    What kind of music are people using their Stilettos for?

    I have a Stage 1 Deuce also and I would agree that it has it all... I use it in the studio on EVERY record I do - from pop and soul to r&B influenced stuff through mainstream rock, indie, alternative... haven't tried it in a metal context yet, but it does clean well, mainstream heavy well, and...
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    Stiletto vs. Marshall 2210

    I have a Stage 1 Stiletto and a 2205... no comparison for me really. The Stiletto is better in every way - more versatile, better sounding, better build quality, better looking!! :lol: The 2205 does its one thing really well, but that's about it, and 9 times out of 10 I choose to use the...
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    single vs dual2ch vs dual3ch

    Exactly the opposite experience for me stadidas!! Single all the way... It's crazy how differently we all hear the same things!!
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    single vs dual2ch vs dual3ch

    I would agree with the single having the tightest bass response, but my experience with the top end has been the opposite. I've found the duals and triples to be way fizzier than the single for some reason... Brent
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    F-50 vs. Rectoverb vs. Stiletto Duece

    You can do a search here for lots of info... An Ace is stage 2 but has different transformers than Deuce so apparently sounds a little different. Stage 2 has had all of the modes (except Tite Gain) revoiced for more gain, different power supply is supposed make bottom end tighter. I guess it...
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    F-50 vs. Rectoverb vs. Stiletto Duece

    Deuce Stage 1... and don't believe any negative talk about stage 1 Stilettos - its an INCREDIBLE amp... :D
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    F-50 vs. Rectoverb vs. Stiletto Duece

    It definitely can be thick sounding - depends on the mode, but I think if you love your F-50, then you'd probably love the Stiletto. While they don't sound the same at all, they seem to have a similar "spirit". The overdrive definitely has more cut than the F-50 (the cleans don't though). I...
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    F-50 vs. Rectoverb vs. Stiletto Duece

    I own all 3 so I can probably chime in here - what exactly do you want to know? They all sound like boogies, but they're all pretty different. To me, the F-50 cleans are the chimey-est, and the dirty sounds really "roar". I love my F-50 - it really has its own sound. Stiletto Deuce is super...
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    Squealing Amp (F30)

    With my F50 it was tubes...
  11. B

    New Mesa amp rumor!!

    Yup, I'd love to see the Stil-ecto!!
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    Single rectos sound different from Duals or Triples?????

    I run my Single wide-open when recording - it sounds great cranked up. :) And I don't miss the tube rectification at all... on the duals I've used, tube rectification with any sort of gain just made the fizz more mushy! I prefer diode rectification for Rectos anyway... Now, my Stiletto...
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    Single rectos sound different from Duals or Triples?????

    Seems like I'm in the minority here, but I actually like the Single the best. Never had a triple come through my studio, but a few duals - never really loved a tone I heard out of any of them - too much fizz for me. Totally different impression of the first Single that came through - ballsy...
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    Stiletto Deuce through Greenbacks?

    When I first got my Stiletto (Deuce stage 1), I liked it best through my Marshall 1960a cab (G12T-75). I still like it, however I prefer certain modes/tones through other cabs. I think the cleaner modes and more old-school dirty tones are GREAT through Greenbacks (mine is a Marshall 1960AX...
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    What is your favorite 4x12 Cab for the Dual Rectifier?

    I'm a bit of a weirdo when it comes to tone, but my favourite two cabs with my Single Recto (sorry don't have a Dual) is my Marshall 1960 4x12 cab (with G12T-75's), and SURPRISE!, my Peavey 5150 4x12 cab (with Sheffield 1200's) - nice and tight and forward... I don't like the Recto through my...
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    The Stilecto

    Yeah, didn't really think about that... My amps live in my studio and never get moved, so that isn't really a consideration for me... Guess it would be a really big consideration for gigging folks!
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    The Stilecto

    I'd like to see the "Stil-ecto"... 2 channels... Ch. 1 - tite clean, tite gain, fluid drive from the Stiletto... Ch. 2 - pushed, vintage, modern from the Rectifier... Each channel has it's own output tubes and transformer... and it would be nice to see bold/spongy, tube/diode... 50/100W...
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    Stiletto Deuce Stage II

    Lt_Core, I own both an F50 combo and a Stiletto Deuce Stage I (& a Mark IIc+ for all the Mesa geeks out there!). I also own 13 other amps including all the usual suspects like Marshall, Fender, Vox, Orange, Ampeg, Gibson... FWIW, my favourite of all of them is my Stiletto. It's the coolest...
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    F-50 feedback on channel two

    Same problem here. Did you ever solve it? To further confuse the issue, I only get the feedback when using the speaker in the combo. If I unplug the speaker in the combo and run into a cab, no feedback. That would rule out microphonic tubes wouldn't it? Some sort of weird speaker problem...