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  1. M

    Mesa Tube Review

    The stock Mesa's are EHX tubes right? Someone told me that there are only a few factories producing tubes...maybe three and EHX is one. So chances are when you buy any tube they are branded with the logo but made in the same factory. That is just what i heard, he also said tubes can no longer...
  2. M

    Hi,I'm a Lonestar special addict!

    That was great. I dont understand the lyrics, the whole band sounded fantastic. Did you use anything special to get the tone on the first track? beside's the LSS :lol: Is that combo or head? what kind of speakers? What guitar are you using?
  3. M

    LSS and chorus pedal FX loop etc.

    Perfect. Cheers
  4. M

    So I went to GC yesterday to buy a Roadster....

    i should read all the posts, maybe this was allready mentioned. Its worth the'll see when you get it, have GC lend you a good amp. They unplugged one right there while i waited for my Mesa- did take awhile, i seriously thought they forgot i had the amp :lol:
  5. M

    LSS and chorus pedal FX loop etc.

    Ah, i am a doing something wrong- first amp with FX loop. Traded in my old Vox Valvetronix and got the LoneStar instead of an AC30... So (i know this is dumb) i plug guitar into first pedal input then another pedal etc. into amp, now what about the amp out put? The manual could go into more...
  6. M

    LSS and chorus pedal FX loop etc.

    I often use the ehx graphic fuzz (EQ - distortion) or damage control (distortion) with my LSS when i do i use the front instead of the FX loop because when i use the FX loop it bypasses all controls on amp except pesence and something else (cant think of it right now). is that right? Why would...
  7. M

    Eric Johnson-Righteous tone.

    Didnt know where to put this so i chose here. How did Eric Johnson get his tone for the Righteous track? What amp, FX etc.?
  8. M

    What is Mesa's trademark sound?

    What is Mesa's trademark sound, how many are there? 6V6\Recto? What player has most pure Mesa tone?
  9. M

    Lonestar Special 1x12 vs 2x12?

    I have a 1x12-See :D Right now i have a broken in Vintage30 inside because the 60watter suites me better than the stock 90. I also changed the power tubes to TAD and still have the original preamperrs in. But here is the kicker -I just got a EH Graphic Fuzz and it was just made for this...
  10. M

    Where to order Mesa out of state

    not a Mesa expert but since they dont sell direct you may be able to order it retail and have it drop shipped to you. guess you saw this, like i said i ordered mine through dealer and Mesa shipped it to them but i opened the box right at the...
  11. M

    Where to order Mesa out of state

    They send a price list with color pics when you buy an amp, not that that helps you. I think my dealer overcharged a little on non-stock changes but they did lend me the exact same amp for a few months. Maybe get a quote directly from Mesa if you change anything.
  12. M

    NEW EDDIE VAN HALEN guitar is here

    Yeah, Eddie is in top three. I was pretty amazed that Clapton Blackie turned out so good, as far as replica you cant come any closer than that. There all too much $$$ for me but **** it sold out pretty fast, cant see them losing much value.
  13. M

    Installing EMG pickups..

    I thouhgt both pickups needed to be active. Well anyway i tried installing two EMG's in an old guitar i had laying around and it just never worked right. So for me it would have been better to pay the 20-30 clams to have them installed. Good luck though.
  14. M

    newbie question

    I have the LSS with 5-15-30 and TBH it is perfect for low volume, i am sure the express will be also. There is a definate volume difference between the three settings but even still you can use all 4 power tubes at low volumes, also if you use a good od pedal or processor to shape and adjust...
  15. M

    blackface/chrome chassis RACKTIFIER arrived =)

    Thats nice. Do you sell those light switches? :)
  16. M

    $1000 Budget

    Wel i dont know what to tell you, i bought a faded sg for less then even the way low price they are now and i have to say it is fine. Changed the string a few times and never needed to have it set-up. Obviously money was an issue but thats the whole point of this thread. **** for once i got...
  17. M

    $1000 Budget

    Its not that at all, first off i like Gibson pickups and even though it doesnt have nice paint like the SG Supreme you cant tell from hearing it. I really find no reason to buy a "copy" but wouldnt throw away an Epi LP copy either, but yes would much rather it said Gibson on it. Comparing 2...
  18. M

    LSS - newbie type questions

    Thanks. The reason i ask about which tube in 5 watt mode is because i play for hours (usuall after midnight-ha ha ha) using one tube and figured it would be good to rotate every few months. but of course i use 15-30 watts often too. Preramp tubes- Good to know about the tung sol, guess i...
  19. M

    $1000 Budget

    I would get a Faded LP or er whatever the cheapest Gibson LP with humbuckers. Why- I have the faded SG, even though i did end up upgrading the pickups with different gibson ones it looks and sounds great. BUT i want a LP when i get some extra cash, which will probably be about 2 years :cry: .
  20. M

    LSS - newbie type questions

    Been reading here for awhile, learned alot. So far after a year no big problems, some minor tube issues. Which power tubes are used in 5 and 15 watt modes, looking at back- left to right? What does phase inverter and phase inverter tube do? um, i guess phase inv. tube drives phase inverter...