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  1. S

    Mark IV

    I'm not sure I understand everything you've said there :lol: but I certainely appreciate your comment dude. Take care Russ Stealth
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    Mark IV

    Rabies...I don't like the guitar volume trick for me neither...I knew that one would not work...I never had much problem with drummers either...and I've played with power rock tipe-a-dude , Fusion guys , jazz dudes! And that is why I agree with Antoine to say that it is a problem of settings...
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    Mark IV

    Hey Russ thanx for your info and boy that was quite a statement :D ...almost phylosophical(is that a word? :D )...loved it man...that is food for thought!! far as picking attack, Im considered a good player,been playing for 30 something years(I'm an old man :lol: ) and my feel on the...
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    Mark IV

    Thanx guys ...Platypus,I already tried that and it doesn't cut it good for me :( Clean boost i've tried but not in the loop...I'll try this for sure...maybe work on my settings when I'm with the band would also help :) Thanx a lot people Stealth
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    Mark IV

    Totally agree with you man...the guy just doesn't know better...I used to play Pro in Québec and my drummers at that time were all pro also and all of them were very good at pacing their playing...never had that much problem with mix as I have now!!
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    Mark IV

    Hey guys got my Mark IV few weeks ago...totally in love with the a Q for you...I'm playing mostly the lead channel even for chunk so when It comes to solo time my beautiful creamy lead sound gets a bit lost in the mix at band practice(my drummer is soooooo loud) ...I would need...
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    Mark IV Cab question

    Hey michelj nice talking to you ...yeah I'm extatic my Mark IV...yeah we could form a French English Mark IV club...Hé Hé...take care dude!! 8) :D
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    Mark IV Cab question

    Thanx a lot guys 8)
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    Mark IV Cab question

    No just the 4-12 cab...thanx for the reply...why 2- 4 ohms slots on the boogie?
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    Mark IV Cab question

    Hey guys just got my Mark IV. I bought a 2-12 3/4 open cab with it and everything is super but I would like to try my 4-12 Marshall cab with it My question is do I plug the cab in one of the 4 ohms slut since I don't have 8 ohms on my cab...only 16 and 4. Thanx...
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    My DR review and some concerns

    Merry Christmas to you too man!!:) Regard Stealth
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    My DR review and some concerns

    Hey Random Hero I've tried your settings and your right...big improvement...kind of smooth and creamy...but you end up with that classic feedback(like a car horn...) something I can deal with a noise gate I guess... still...I'm not sure...have to try with my band...but thanx dude I appreciate...
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    My DR review and some concerns

    Yeah...tried a bunch of different things Tubesreamer,ZW OD, and it helps the sustain but to me it is still tin!!...not at all like Petrucci tone or Steve liquid feel to it :) Andy Timmons has a great sounds and his leads are coming mostly from his LSS,Petucci on the other hand has his...
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    My DR review and some concerns

    Hey people was up...after 10 days of playing I find that the Dr is a monstuous crunch machine...very mean and in your it, but for playing lead (which is my job) I find that it is coming way is still in your face, loud but solos sounds tin and sustain is poor which make it...
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    DR problem part 2

    Again thanx a lot I really appreciate your input and your time!! Stealth
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    What are people using for reverb on a Dual Rectifier

    Hey man! Just bought a DR and a Boss RV-5...with not much tweaking, it does the job well. Stealth
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    DR problem part 2

    hey guys the music store exchange my DR for another one.Came back treid it...same thing.Since that modulation appear only when I roll up my volume I think it is the amp that pick AC garbadge that no other amp picked-up in my house!...cause when I move, it gets down and raises as my my guitar...
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    Dr problem...brand new amp.

    Thanx guys I appreciate your input...I'm going to the shop today...I'll give you some news!! Stealth P.S. Can't wait to start playing MUSIC with that babe!!:):)
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    Dr problem...brand new amp.

    The more I play the more I find it sound like when you have some light dimer coming in to your amp playing live in a small club but instead it it like a tremollo sound...quite a bugger!!
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    Dr problem...brand new amp.

    Hey guys was up...just bough a double-recto.I arrive at home,take my time plug the beast everything is going it.Go to dinner,come back plug again and this time I got a hum that is waving...something like Woooin woooin woooin and it seem(Though I'm not sure cause I was just starting...