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  1. S

    Can anyone advise me on this unusual setup

    I play in a guitar duo using amps sims into the PA but am unhappy with the thin tone but dont want to lug my MKIV out to gigs as well as a PA and subs. I have bought a digitech RP1000 and am thinking of buying a mesa power amp to sit in the rack and then a decent 2x12 speaker box. So both...
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    Power tubes in MKIV

    Okay now I'm confused. Put in two new red 6L6 GC mesa tubes and the volume seems to have dropped on R2 and across the board. The old mesa 12ax7's glow but the two new ones I put in V1 and V2 do not is this normal ? No more squeal when I engage the loop anymore anyway.
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    Power tubes in MKIV

    Okay so I fukd up pulling out one of the middle power tubes and it was so tight the glass came loose in the base. Off to buy a new set. Can I use one of the old outer tubes in the middle slots safely ? Theyre all Mesa branded 6L6 GC tubes so I assume there's no problem with that. I have only...
  4. S

    Loop squeal MKIV - also missing eq nobs

    After pulling the R1 master down to 3.5 and R2 and L1 to 2.0 the Loop squeal is gone.. I now am running the master output on 4.0 (tweed mode) and all sounds good but am wondering if running it this way am I getting the most out of the preamp section ? I assume so since the R1 gain is on about...
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    Loop squeal MKIV - also missing eq nobs

    Ah thanks for this idea I will mess around with the settings. I used the Zoom G7 in my F50 and it was fine... I have it set for unity gain so it shouldnt be overloading the loop will test it and see what happens. Also the F50 loop was parrallel - does this make a difference ? Havent seen...
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    Loop squeal MKIV - also missing eq nobs

    Okay so I just looked at the manual and it looks like V2 is the tube to replace. Should I go out and buy a set of 12ax7's and replace the lot or just that one ? Not sure if I will hear a difference in replacing the set - no idea how old they all are in there was an ebay score...
  7. S

    Loop squeal MKIV - also missing eq nobs

    Hmm so I bought a MkIV about a month back...sounds great... been experimenting with my Zoom G7 in the loop. Have it set to +10db which is rack gear level. Everything sounds fine except last 2 weeks when I switch the loop on I am getting this howling feedback that builds up in R1 mostly but also...
  8. S

    Almost embarassed to ask this - Triaxis direct into PA

    Okay so I have been using amp modellers for simplicity for awhile but I just don't love my tone like I used to love my F50. Am wondering if Mesa have a rackmount that I can use as a pre just to plug straight into the PA and get a real warm tube tone which I can also use fx with. Every post...
  9. S

    How long before amp modellers replace amps ?

    Do you see a point at which amp modelling technology will match or even exceed the tone you are getting from your current boogie rig ? Curious.
  10. S

    F50 Level drop....

    My 0.02 with my F50 head through a Vox 2x12. Channel One I like REALLY clean so I keep the channel gain on 9 o'clock. If I'm playing loudly I might have the master on 12-1 o'clock...turning the master further doesnt give any appreciable volume at this point. You'd need to mic it to be heard...
  11. S

    ZOOM G1

    I use the G7 in the loop of my F50. I bought it (wait for it - you'll think I'm mental) because the F50 reverb is CRAP and I love reverb. I used it infront of the amp to begin with and it sounds awesome in the clean channel but the time based fx fall over in the gain channel. I now use it in...
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    Zoom G7/9

    Just thought I'd post an update. Have been pressed for time lately but this is what I've found. Despite the Mesa F50 having a parallel fx loop I get good sound from both my acoustic and electric guitars going like this - Guitar > Mesa input Mesa FX send > G7 input G7 mono output > Mesa FX...
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    Zoom G7/9

    Okay - now i understand why fx loops exist... The G7 sounded great in the clean channel but as soon as I switch to the distortion channel the G7 sounded like sh1t. I put it in the effects loop and it sounded fine but alot of hum... I will try to get rid of the hum I dont want to have to spend...
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    Zoom G7/9

    Is anyone using one of these ? I picked up a G7.1ut yesterday and spent some time with it playing direct into the amp (not thru loop). After you turn off the units pre-amp (I only want it for cheap fx) it sounded pretty good into my F50. Its reverb is way better than the F50 reverb and thats...
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    F50 ***** reverb

    Sorry to give the wrong impression, I was exaggerating I guess, I can hear it on the clean channel start from around 9-10 o'clock but I guess my point was its completely useless (to my ears) until 12 o'clock at which point its only just starting to be something I appreciate as reverb. I'd like...
  16. S

    F50 ***** reverb

    I love my F50 but have a problem with the reverb. I have to turn the reverb to 12o'clock before you can really hear it on either channel and its not enough reverb for my taste but if I go any further its noisy as all hell on both channels... Could the tube just need replacing ? I dont know how...
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    Who gigs with a 2x12?

    I run my F50 thru a Vox 2 x 12 with celestian Neodogs... never fails to impress me, don't understand why anyone would bother with a quad other than for p3nis envy.
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    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    Only 1 o'clock - but it goes up to eleven ? :twisted:
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    F50 and acoustic

    Hi Has anyone tried acoustics thru their amp. I play my Maton thru my F50 with a vox cab loaded with neodogs and it is awesome... kinda noisy on contour tho hehehe
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    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    mikeyp maybe my f50 is quiet but its not too loud for me - if i went further than that then I'd have no windows left... might be too loud for my neighbours but i only play like that during the day so... i think the distortion tones out of the f50 are just awesome for the price differential...