Zoom G7/9

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Active member
Nov 20, 2006
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Is anyone using one of these ?
I picked up a G7.1ut yesterday and spent some time with it playing direct into the amp (not thru loop). After you turn off the units pre-amp (I only want it for cheap fx) it sounded pretty good into my F50.
Its reverb is way better than the F50 reverb and thats playing direct so I wonder how it would sound in the loop. More experimentation required but wanted to know if anyone else was using these units and how they were using them.
Okay - now i understand why fx loops exist...

The G7 sounded great in the clean channel but as soon as I switch to the distortion channel the G7 sounded like sh1t. I put it in the effects loop and it sounded fine but alot of hum...

I will try to get rid of the hum I dont want to have to spend more $$$ on a more expensive effects unit...
I own a G7 for recording purposes. I have on occasion used it in my Mark IV's effect's loop for effects with good results. I'm not sure why you're getting the hum. Make sure you don't have the output level on the G7 turned up all the way.
Just thought I'd post an update.

Have been pressed for time lately but this is what I've found.

Despite the Mesa F50 having a parallel fx loop I get good sound from both my acoustic and electric guitars going like this -

Guitar > Mesa input
Mesa FX send > G7 input
G7 mono output > Mesa FX Return

The Mesa FX mix is set to Max and the G7 is set to the +10db level and maximum output on the dial on the back of the unit. The master setting in the G7 is set to 'Front'.

I have been able to elimiate the noise/hum just by turning on the ZNR to 10 in the threshold settings and the amp has no more noise now with the G7 in the loop than without it.

Am still playing around creating my patches but once you adjust the levels so that the volume of the guitar is the same in bypass as it is with the G7 selected I think this unit sounds great for the money.

Also I think the wah sounded fine in the loop when I expected it to sound ****.