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  1. A

    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    I wish I could just fix my gmajor. Other than this problem it's never acted up before. I may consider looking into a Rocktron if I can't fix it. Thanks guys
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    I didn't know the Lexicon had a delay in patch switching. That's a huge drawback. I had a Rocktron Prophecy that I hated. But of course I relied on the built in preamp. I was looking at getting a Lexicon MPX1. On the rocktrons do you guys prefer the intelliflex or the other one. (don't...
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    What do you guys think of the Lexicon and Rocktron fx units? I've heard a lot of good things about the Lexicon, I think it's the MP something or other.
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    There's no stereo or mono option other than just plugging in cables to the inputs and outputs. When I ran the 50/50, I only needed to run the tri at about 5 or 6 and had the g major dials (input and output) at 12 o'clock. I had the g major on pro setting and it had plenty of volume. I'm...
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    Very, very, very weird. When I plugged the Tri (stereo out) straight into the 2:90 (stereo in), I suddenly got MASSIVE volume and functionality out of both channels! I can't turn the amp past about 8 o'clock in my bedroom! Much better. I wonder why my Major is acting up. I did nothing but...
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    I do have all the tubes in and they do glow. I have the speakers connected correctly with the speaker cable coming out of the 2:90's 8ohm outputs and into the cab's 8ohm inputs. I am just noticing that I'm not getting anything out of Channel A. I turned Channel B all the way up and it's still...
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    I think it may be the tubes. They were loose in the packaging when I received it. I'm not getting anything out of Channel A. If the little black pole in the middle of the metallic pins on the tubes gets broken does it affect it at all? To me it looks like the black pin is just for stability.
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    If you have your 2:90 all the way up, at what volume do you set your Triaxis? And at about what master volume do you have your settings?
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    2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

    Hi everyone, I just received the 2:90 I've been waiting for. It replaced a 50/50. I noticed someone making a comment about not being able to turn it past 10 o'clock becasue it's so loud. I'm running the Tri -> GMajor -> 2:90 into a stereo 2x12 cab with 8ohm inputs. I didn't change anything...
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    Poweramp help needed

    Hey, I purchased a Peavey 50/50 back when I was searching for a good preamp. Those EL84's kinda suck in my opinion. The functionality of that power amp is a dream! BUT, the tonal qualities are inferior to most other tube types I;ve come across. Let me know what you decide.
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    2:90 - Pulling Tubes

    Switching to half voice means you will lose functionality of the deep and modern modes. If there's a way to remove tubes, you can still use the three voicing options.
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    2:90 - Pulling Tubes

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a 2:90 and am expecting it in the mail. I'm quite excited as I've heard great things about its pairing with the Triaxis, which I also own. However, I've also heard that 90 watts per channel is quite a bit of power to use for many people, including myself...