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  1. D

    Road King II loop prob

    I'll try some of your suggestions, thanks. :) I use a Lexicon G2 in the amp-input AND loop effects, so I can change fx order in the pre-gain and post-gain path. I DON'T use the fx loop on the clean channels (only pre-gain effects), I DO USE fx loop in channels 3 & 4. I'll try to set all loops...
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    Road King II loop prob

    Sometimes my RKII has a problem on the fxloop. When I turn the loop on, in the channel strip, the volume drops down and I hear a kind of "flanger" sound. But the real problem is...that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't!!! :-( Could it be a bad pre-tube? I had them all replaced a couple...
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    JJ = Crap

    I replaced the original MESA tubes with JJ. I bought 'em from Bob at Eurotubes. They work perfectly fine and I've noticed that the 4th channel of my RKII is now quite brighter (used to be much darker than the 3rd ch). I'm very pleased.
  4. D

    Power, pre, or both?

    +1 Same equipment (April 2006 RKII) and same problem. I've got some new JJ pre tubes, maybe I'll try them. Could the Lexicon G2 be the problem of the bad sound coming out?! It's rather old (6-7 years) and's gone.
  5. D

    Today I was change tubes on DR

    Thank you Stokes :)
  6. D

    Today I was change tubes on DR

    Yesterday my new JJ tubes arrived. I've ordered 3 high gain for V1 V2 V3 and 1 balanced 12ax7 for V5 as phase inverter, as suggested by Bob himself for my Road King II. I already changed pre-amp tubes in the past but I don't know what phase inverter means. Do I just have to replace the tubes as...
  7. D

    Lexicon MPX G2. Views.

    I use a Lexicon G2 with my Road King II and I can assure you it's excellent. No Rocktron can compare, IMHO. :) Sometimes I use it in front of the amp and sometimes in the fx loop, it depends on how I wake up in the morning. :D
  8. D

    RKII Tube Upgrade

    I asked Bob to make a good and safe package, 'cause the RK came with 3 cracked 12AX7. I didn't tell MESA 'cause in Italy I have a very good and friendly dealer who had all the tubes replaced by an authorized tech. Let's hope for my Christmas present :)
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    RKII Tube Upgrade

    I ordered the tubes yesterday. The RK II arrived with 3 broken tubes. Now I hope the new tubes come undamaged. Otherwise I won't buy anything else from USA :D
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    RKII Tube Upgrade

    Gee, Bob is very very nice! He answered me in a few minutes!!! :) He suggested "3 of the high gain ECC83S’s for V1, V2 and V3 and then change out the V5 tube with a balanced ECC83S". What do you think? Shall I give it a try? Christmas present :)
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    RKII Tube Upgrade

    Yes, it seems I've been too superficial, I'm sorry. I'll send Bob a mail and ask him about an ideal pre-amp tubes setup for my Road King. Thank you guys :)
  12. D

    RKII Tube Upgrade

    I had a look at eurotubes' website ( and I see they have different kinds of 12AX7. A couple of questions: - the website looks it a serious store? :) - what's the difference between the 12AX7 standard, the high gain, the gold pin? I'd like to make some change...
  13. D

    What's the difference between a Road King I and Road King II

    From MESA website: * Improved Channel 1 & 2 now features CLEAN and FAT from our acclaimed LoneStar® - our best clean ever - along with incredible new TWEED and BRIT modes. These two channels alone make a mighty amplifier. * All New, All-Tube Reverb also from the LoneStar® is deeper...
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    Road King II serial fx loop

    Thanks for your answer. :) But the input level is affected by the channel volumes too, isn'it?
  15. D

    Road King II serial fx loop

    Does anyone use the serial loop in the RK II? Do you turn the send level all the way up or do you keep it in the "normal" position? I have a Lexicon G2 and I noticed that with the send level at max. the amp becomes very noisy.
  16. D

    Mesa Triple 3ch vs Mesa Road King Series II heads

    Do yoy know where I can buy the diamond plates for my RK II and for the RK speakers cab?! Here in Italy you just can't find anything! :evil:
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    Mesa Triple 3ch vs Mesa Road King Series II heads

    I bought a RK II in may 2006. The italian official dealer (Mogar Music) lent me a triple recto, since I had been waiting for the RK for 8 months ( :evil: ) and I can assure you that the triple can't compare to the RK. The RK clean is awesome (even with an Ibanez :D), with the progressive linkage...
  18. D

    Road King 2, v. 2?

    I have a RK II and there's the ext trigger jack in the back. I think I'll never use that, but no prob :)
  19. D

    Road King 2, v. 2?

    If you mean the "RK updates", they have added a Mute/Tuner output and removed the External trigger jack.