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    Broken input jack on Studio 22

    Thank you! That's worked perfectly. Kinda cool, I guess when the jack is unplugged it sends everything straight to chassis ground so it's quieter. Amp is happy again and sounding great. I'm really impressed with the bass response too- as well as clearing up the distortion, the amp certainly...
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    Broken input jack on Studio 22

    Cool, thanks for the reply. Do you know where it should attach to? I'm guessing it's come sort of 0v ground rather than chassis ground, but I really don't have any idea.
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    Broken input jack on Studio 22

    Possibly, but I doubt it. It matches (in appearance) the footswitch jack and seems legit. I'm assuming it's there to short the input jack for silent removal of leads etc, I'm just a little confused as that is usually done by shorting the tip, not some ramdom extra tab!
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    Broken input jack on Studio 22

    Hey guys, I'm in the middle of getting a Studio 22 back up and running. It had some blown filter caps causing phasing/distortion on low notes, and also a large level of hum. I've replaced the caps which has cleared up some hum and distortion, and I think I've found the source of the rest of...
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    Crackly IIC+

    Thanks Jim, I'll give that a shot. Are there any specific cleaners I shouldn't use inside the Boogie? Thanks for all your help guys!
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    Crackly IIC+

    Would do, but I'm in Australia, so it's a bit of a trip to ship it home!
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    Crackly IIC+

    It's def not the tubes- just replaced them all and the sound was exactly the same. In terms of the reverb- I tried turning the reverb to 0 and unplugging the reverb tank. Would this stop the noise or does it need to be soldered?
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    Crackly IIC+

    I'll check out the preamp tube- the crackle is so bad that if touch any of the knobs, or even walk near the amp I can hear it! It's annoying cause the preamp tubes are pretty new (less than 2 months- and I weeded out the bad ones first). I dont think its the reverb as its present even when the...
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    Crackly IIC+

    Hey everyone, Haven't been on this board in a while! Seems to still be going strong. I've got an early-ish MKIIC+ (cream combo, 60W, Rev), that's been sounding great for a few years, but is having some issues. It's been regularly serviced, but issues are still popping up. At the moment...
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    just scored a EV extension cabinet

    hah thanks guys, at least I've got a way to remember it now! Plugged it in, sounds great (And loud!). It's actually a really nice combo with the Celestion, I thought the greater efficiency would just drown it out. Bad news... after 20 minutes playing I'm starting to get serious farting on any...
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    just scored a EV extension cabinet

    think I just managed to score a matching EV extension cabinet to go with my IIC+- just double checking, do I plug both the ext cab and the internal speaker into the 4 ohm sockets now? Plugging one into 8 and one into 4 just doesn't feel right to me.... :?: Should be fun to have all the volume...
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    mkIIC- will it ever work!

    Yeah im in melbourne- i guess I will try somebody else, I'm just very sick of continually sinking money into this amp... only for nothing to get better. Thanks for the replies, maybe I'll try labsystems.
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    mkIIC- will it ever work!

    wish i could send it to mesa but im in australia- probably looking at around $1500 us for the round trip plus repair, and the amp isnt worth the much...ill check the grounds though, thanks for that.
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    mkIIC- will it ever work!

    Some of you may remember my MKIIC from a while ago- its an export, 60w, reverb, so pretty bare bones. When i got it, it turned out someone had modded it quite extensively- and to top it off it had an early circuit board so it took me along time to find a schem (someone from here finally helped...
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    220V and Mesa amps in europe/Australia

    I'm PROBABLY going to try and do a group order of Mercury Magnetics transformers to Australia. On another Australian board I suggested this and a couple of people said they were interested. We have made the 5+ tier, it's just whether we can get to the 10+. Only issue is that to do a mass...
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    220V and Mesa amps in europe/Australia

    just to chip in... Changing transformers is a pretty simple job for a decent tech. Taking the old one out, putting the new one in, change a few wires. It can be a hassle on some boogies (and other amps) because you might have to remove the PCB to get to the solder spots you need, but from...
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    just got a IIC+

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    just got a IIC+

    found this on ebay (seems expensive but its close) Is it an issue that im after an LDR and this says LED on the body?
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    just got a IIC+

    Ah cool, I can see them now. I have a blurry schem, but once you gave me the number I can see how it matches up. Anybody know a good source for this parts? Any brands I should steer clear of?
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    just got a IIC+

    does anybody know the value of the LDR's in the IIC+? The schem merely says LDR2 or LDR4 etc.