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  1. T

    Can't get the solo working on a Nomad 45

    I've definitely got it up way higher than the regular volume.
  2. T

    Can't get the solo working on a Nomad 45

    My bandmate has been rocking a Fender DeVille, which was a terrible choice for him, for some time now and I noticed a sweet-looking Boogie at work for the low price of $580. Plugged it in to see how it sounds and was pretty happy with it, so I let him know that he should get it. He did, and he...
  3. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    I started playing around with that in place of Brit. You weren't lying. I have to crank the gain way up (still very little.gain with single coils, but it's enough), but hot **** it sounds good. I have it purposely loose with recto tracking, so I'll have to figure out how to balance that when I...
  4. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    I started playing around with that in place of Brit. You weren't lying. I have to crank the gain way up (still very little.gain with single coils, but it's enough), but hot **** it sounds good. I have it purposely loose with recto tracking, so I'll have to figure out how to balance that when I...
  5. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    Right, but what I was saying is that what I am trying to accomplish with channel 3 is a vintage drive sound. So any pointers you have for that are appreciated.
  6. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    I brought my guitar to work today to plug into some other amps. The humbucker mellowness is just the guitar, not the amp's fault, so that is what it is, I guess. I'll just focus on the split coil sounds then. My problem is that when I need to switch channels during a song I don't want to have to...
  7. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    Vintage didn't seem as warm and modern is too bassy, even with it set as low as I have it on channel 4. Even with that much gain, it's still less than the others, which is what I want.
  8. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    I'm running a Music Man Luke 3 HH into the head into the Recto 2x12 cabinet. So I know part of the problem is probably that the pickups in that guitar aren't terribly bright and have lots of mids, but having said that... here are my settings: Ch. 1: Fat, 100w, diode (I go back and forth on that...
  9. T

    Help with Roadster tones

    I've had this amp for maybe a year now and I am generally pretty happy with it. It does a lot of things, but there are some sounds I just can't seem to dial in. Right now, I have channel 1 set for cleans on fat mode, channel 2 is supposed to resemble an AC30 with moderate gain for punk and indie...
  10. T

    Roadster footswitch faulty

    If the other channel buttons are working, it's probably not the cable. Channel switching is actually handled all on one lead, if I recall correctly. I don't know if I still have it, but one of the guys at Mesa was nice enough to give me the pinout when I wanted to cut my switch down to only 5...
  11. T

    Got my clean tone back!

    That's why I only use it live, and with rechargeable batteries :D Plus I have drunkenly stepped on my cable and unplugged it up to 3 or 4 times all in one set, so...
  12. T

    Back to Mesa after a long journey with the digital world!

    I can relate! Well, sort of. I haven't really ventured into the digital world yet, but I have considered it. I just started an experiment trying to use an Orange OR15 instead of my Roadster. It sounds like a huge jump, but I really hate big, heavy, complicated amps and the OR15 seemed to have...