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  1. kkanne20

    Anyone convert their MKIII to a MKIII+ (IIC+)

    I play at bedroom levels, and can get really great tones at low volumes, so the 1x12 is ok for me. I would actually LOVE a 4x12 some day, but I think at present if I cranked a 4x12 I might blow a hole through my wall to the neighbor's house lol. :twisted:
  2. kkanne20

    Anyone convert their MKIII to a MKIII+ (IIC+)

    I can +1 the iii+ mod being a good idea as I have a blue stripe combo, GEQ, SIMUL-CLASS I've posted this in other threads and at the risk of sounding like a broken record/mesa plant, lol, I'll briefly describe my experience with the blue stripe and "iii+" mod I've wanted a mark iic+ forever...
  3. kkanne20

    NAD, The one that got away

    Epic win mark III is amazing congratulations, go play your fingers raw!
  4. kkanne20

    Mark III lead tone compared to modern amps

    Mark III is a beast but it must be tamed in order to avoid it sounding like a chainsaw (blue stripe, I'm talking to you). With v30, nos preamp tubes and red stripe innards and/or 3+ mod it can sound like a dream, no exaggeration. Mine does. Drool
  5. kkanne20

    Mark III low volume playing

    I suppose my v30 will sound different than your evm but speakers aside I can replicate most petrucci tones with lead master between 2-2.5, master to taste and pull/deep engaged for fullness ymmv
  6. kkanne20

    Favorite speaker with Mark III?

    I have an open back combo and I prefer the mesa v30 over the evm12l. Evm has more bass but the v30 is sweeter and more vintage sounding. Go figure.
  7. kkanne20

    A certain sound

    drive pedal with distortion 0 tone 10 will get you sustain even if you stink at legato like me
  8. kkanne20

    Mark V or Mark III+ for IIC+ tone.

    Tried a V briefly, iic+ mode, didn't have enough time to fiddle with it :( As for my mkiii+ blue simul GEQ with upgraded preamp tubes.....*drool*
  9. kkanne20

    NAD/NGD Mark III+ blue simul reverb geq

    All I have to say is this thing sounded like a chainsaw when I got it a month ago. First I got the III+ and a full tune-up which made it a bit better. I put a new productionTung-Sol in V3 tonight, took out the evm12l, put in a new mesa v30 (1x12 combo) and holy god this thing sounds like I could...
  10. kkanne20

    Mark III NAD/questions

    congrats! I just got a blue stripe simul/geq as well! I love it now but let me tell you it sounded like a chainsaw at first. I could not find the "liquid lead" I heard in my head. I'm almost there now and will be switching preamp tubes for the (hopefully) final adjustments. I'll summarize my...