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The Boogie Board

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  1. S

    NAD!! I'm Boogied once again!!!

    I'm finding this to be completely true.....for all the crap people talk about Mesas, this is a really expressive amp, much more so than the 6505 I have....I'm amazed at how the tones change by just altering my pick attack. :shock:
  2. S

    First Mesa: FJA modded Single Rec

    Aaand a quick chug vid I did for a buddy that wanted to hear it. Be warned before you click, I suck. I really dig how saturated the gain is on this thing; it's beefy as hell...still dialing it in, but I'm happy with this for at home jamming. Be gentle lol.
  3. S

    NAD!! I'm Boogied once again!!!

    Nice dude....just bought my first. I'm hooked. HNAD! :D
  4. S

    What guitars do you play through your Rectifiers?

    Luthier built Goldtop LP w/BKP Holydivers and an old Dean ML loaded with SD Blackouts. Dig em both thru it.
  5. S

    First Mesa: FJA modded Single Rec

    Just found this board, love when I find a forum for stuff I'm into. A good friend had this, and every time he wanted to sell I had just bought something and was broke. If I had the $, he didn't want to sell. Stars finally aligned, and I snagged it from him last week. Amazed at the tones I'm...