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  1. M

    NAMM 2008 - Any rumors or exspectations?

    I herad from a little birdy it might be a mark 5 ? :shock:
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    my stiletto is almost dead

    DuDe Change the 1 :D st 3 preamp tubes(12ax7) :D
  3. M

    Road King or Roadster?

    You guys must have tried a dud or a lemon or somthing,i sell mesas for a living and have tried every boogie out there ,and sold them to giging musos,the cleans are the very best ive heard and the dirt sounds are great ,no one has said that they are passable ,the noise thing is about gain...
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    are there diffrent models of f 30's?

    hey dude ,change ya valves,might as well do all of them,get some tung sol 12ax7 s and some svetlana el84 garanteed to fatten it up.
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    Help with EMGs through a Triple Rectifier.

    Try 81 emg instead,i found the same with the 85 in brige pos, also try rollin tone back a wee bit,thickens and takes bite of a bit,. Also is this happening while its just you and your amp in a room or is it with the band. Somtimes the mid can kill on its own but with the band it happens . Dont...
  6. M

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    This dude recons the cleans are nicer and the reverb is better,there the fricken same as the rk2, did he get rid of it because it to heavy or he wants reall likes the roadster better lol. Is 112 better handling than 212 soniclly?
  7. M

    Boss Gt-8 in fx loop of a dual recto

    Hey man dont waste ya time ,it will suck your tone and turn your notes into a modeling amp yuk :x try g major from tc electronics,much cleaner and transperant and it can switch channels
  8. M

    Your ultimate Dream Mesa

    What about a road king ,with a triaxis ,recto and 2c+ with progressive linkage all built in.I have heard they are making a triaxis with progressive linkage in ahead form,id like to see that? :twisted:
  9. M

    Anybody try Swapping 12AX7's for the premium SPAX7A's???

    Mesa jedd from down under,No,i havnt used on lone star but i used them alot in triaxis ,very quiet (good to have atleast one in position closest to iput),and heaps more compessed gain,which wasnt always good ,but good to have one in the chain ,and some regular ones for the rest. Also if you...
  10. M

    Dual rectifier + rocktron xpression

    The g major is the cleanest and most transarent ive heard in daul ,trpple.solo 50,you have to tune it a bit but i have had great results. It can also switch 3 channels as well ,so you can have different channels with different fx patches at a touch of a switch. cheers jedd
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    how are gigs with your rk 2

    Hey dudes hows your rk2 so far ,have any of you doing gigs with them ,how are the tones 2 months on cheers gedd
  12. M

    how does your rk2 sound 3 weeks on.

    :D Metal matt,peace and bucket thanks for your honest apprasial on the rk2,you guys know tone and thats what im after,rock on my boogie brothers cheers jedd
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    how does your rk2 sound 3 weeks on.

    :D Hey peace ,stop it right there ,your givin me a chubby,good call on the head,love your discription --you are king.I want mine know.
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    how does your rk2 sound 3 weeks on.

    :) Hey you dudes with rk2 ,hows the tweaking going ,are they sounding better the more you get used to them,im hangin for mine in oz land ,please let us know,metal matt hows it goin? 8)
  15. M

    will someone please report on how the rk2 sound

    `Thanks razor, thats what we all like to here,im so glad you dig yours cause i cant wait to get mine. I will prob end up getting a 412 trad cab with mine,cause i dig the tight sound. Any way if you end up spending some time on britts,let us all know. cheers jedd in oz
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    will someone please report on how the rk2 sound

    Mesa jed here,can someone,any one please tell me how the rk2 sound s, cleans,brittsand recto :(
  17. M

    Road King

    Hey peace ,how does it sound ,please reply please please. :( :( :(
  18. M

    Road King

    Hey peace, thanks for the pics,she looks great.mesa jed here in ozzy land downunder in perth western australia. I have to wait at least 5 weeks before i se mine. How is the cleans and the brit settings,are 3&4 channels pure recto,can you notice the changes,is it better than the1 in your opinion...
  19. M

    rk2 blah,blah, give us a report

    can any one of these new rk series 2 owners please tell us how they really sound,i know how long it took to get them,(im still waiting for mine in,oz),all the drama they have had ,and transport headaces. I just want to see some close up photos and a decent report......please :cry: [/b]