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  1. M

    [Retubing a Triple Rec.] - Need help on tube characteristics

    Help is still welcome... but I already found some sites/forums in the meantime.
  2. M

    [Retubing a Triple Rec.] - Need help on tube characteristics

    Hello fellow Mesa enthusiasts, My 2005 Triple Rectifier needs new tubes. I own and play the amp for about 2 years now and I think it's time to re-tube. At first I wanted to just put all Tung Sol tubes in the preamp and Sovtek 6L6WXT+'s in the power section. But I decided to do a little more...
  3. M

    [New tubes] Need to check bias with Tone Selected tubes?

    Thanks man! I will definitely look at those EH tubes.
  4. M

    [New tubes] Need to check bias with Tone Selected tubes?

    Thank you, that helps a lot. What do you think about JJ tubes? About getting the tubes from tubedepot and such. I live in the Netherlands, and ordering from (I guess) US stores is going to be expensive... I got this store: I...
  5. M

    [New tubes] Need to check bias with Tone Selected tubes?

    Hi, I'll try to keep this story short and understandable... I'm from the Netherlands so bear with me. My Triple Rectifier needs new power tubes. The bass is getting muddy and the overall sound is getting darker. Amp is build in 2005, I own it for about 1,5 years now. Use it every day at home...