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  1. H

    The Trans Atlantic is one effects loop away from awesome...

    Actually some bands record live, making the effects loop very important. I **** near picked one up myself, but without the loop I can't see it happening.
  2. H

    Mesa 6L6GC STR-440 (don't fit in all the way)

    Ah yes that does make sense. I have been hearing that the Chinese were supposed to be better than Russian tubes but maybe that is just certain ones. Are there any aftermarket 6L6's of the same or better reliability that actually fit right?
  3. H

    Mesa 6L6GC STR-440 (don't fit in all the way)

    It might be a complaint, but if functionally it doesn't matter then.....what does it matter - do these complainers know something Mesa doesn't? If the pins are bent should I try to straighten them out? Just trying to get the best out of my amp and I want to do things right. Are the EL34...
  4. H

    Mesa 6L6GC STR-440 (don't fit in all the way)

    On my Road King II, none of the 6l6 tubes go in all the way. The rectifier and EL34s do, but not the 6L6's. I called Mesa and they said that it was common and not a problem for 6L6s. So I believe the "tubes should be flush" statement may be wrong...according to Mesa anyways.. I know this...
  5. H

    Please Help!!!

    I can feel your pain, I live on the third floor and a couple times a week I have to lug my Road King head/cab and my rack up and down a bunch of stairs. Lightest of the 3 is my rack which is still way heavy. Getting this all back up the stairs at 3:30am after a long night of playing and some...
  6. H

    newbie may have destroyed roadking

    I had a scare with my new Road King 3 weeks ago. One of my bandmates was running a mic cable behind my rig (something he will never do again) and somehow unplugged one of my speaker cables (output A) without me knowing it. I am very, very particular about making sure I'm all plugged in, and I...
  7. H

    Another Roadster/Roadking question

    Lol, the weight is the only downside of the RK for me. After lugging this thing around for the last few months I feel like I could probably enter into an iron man competition and do alright :lol:
  8. H

    Another Roadster/Roadking question

    I went with the Road King II. I know some people don't like having all the "options" and it is "too complex" for some, but it actually isn't complex at ALL. After having the RKII I'm completely spoiled...being able to use a different power section on each channel is just awesome for me. If...
  9. H

    I'm back... Roadster content!

    I've had my RKII for 2 months, so obviously I have a lot of experimenting left to do, however at the moment: Leads- channel 3, vintage mode. I tweak the bass/mid/treb a lot, but 90% of the time I have the presence all the way off. Riffing/rhythm/melting faces off- channel 4, modern mode I...
  10. H

    Rack switching and looper system?

    I use a GCP/GCX and its awesome. I suppose a G-System would be cool but I need specific pedals that just aren't found in any processors. I like having the Ground Control Pro in front of me and nothing else. My rack consists of a G Major 2, and 7 pedals which I have velcroed to a rack drawer...