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    Guitar tracks post equalization

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    WTT dual rec +cash for MARK IV

    Im really jonesin for a mark IV and ive had my fun with my dual rec. Need a more lead type head. Willing to Negotiate.
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    Low volumes live= good tone?

    Ive been a sound engineer for studio and live audio for over 8 years now. Just recently I ran sound for a guy at a local music festival. He had a tripple rec and the standard cab. The room really wasnt that large and i didnt want him to play at HIS volume, much less destroy the walls of the...
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    Guitar volume knob UP = SQUEEL!!! HELP!!

    Trust me im a low gain guy.. 12 and below nothing more
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    Drum pattern arranger software

    Drumkit from hell Superior. Best on the market. REAL SOUNDS!
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    I have a schecter C-1 classic and Im playing through a mesa dual rectifier 3 channel. Everytime I turn my volume knob up on my guitar all the way it produces a high pitch squeel that is awfull to listen to. Im tired of having to gate my amp bc it just takes so much life out of it. However I dont...
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    Guitar volume knob UP = SQUEEL!!! HELP!!

    I have a schecter C-1 classic and Im playing through a mesa dual rectifier 3 channel. Everytime I turn my volume knob up on my guitar all the way it produces a high pitch squeel that is awfull to listen to. Im tired of having to gate my amp bc it just takes so much life out of it. However I dont...
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    WTT Dual rec 3 channel and some cash for road king series II

    Literally babied. I never took this amp out for more than 3 gigs. and they themselves were in smoke free enviroments. Ill retube before shipping with stock mesa 6l6's. If anyone is willing or knows anyone please comment or send a PM. I played my friends road king and fell in love with the yellow...
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    Mesa for Tool sounds?

    The core of his tone is in his hands.. and his pickups. He pinches allot of his playing.. leaving a shrill harmonic sound behind all of his riffs. If you have some Seymore Duncan JB's in the bridge.. your halfway through the battle. I have a schecter C-1 classic and in all honesty i can almost...
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    Tubes glowing HOT!!!!! Orange Help!!!!!!!!!!

    Last night i was at my bands rehersal for a gig this weekend and we had been going for about 4 hours when i was playing on my red channel and i noticed my tone just started sucking bad. It was really crackly and didnt have any focus. Realy random sounds. Then i looked in my amp i noticed my 2...
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    Explain (Clean boost) To me...?

    I hear alot of discussion of people puting overdrive pedals in front of there amps for a clean boost. To me putting anything IN FRONT of our beast seems ludacris. However im sure theres some method to this madness so if somone would please inform me of it then please respond. I am an anal tone...
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    Help Me!!!!

    Try lowering your gain man. Gain increases bass and treble in a sense.. This also tends to liquify your tone a lil and make it really loose. Roll the gain back and try these settings. Bass- 12o'clock Mids- 10 or 11o'clock Trebel- 2 to 4 o'clock depending on taste Presence- 12 to 2 o'clock...
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    Wah suggestions anyone

    The bad horsie 1 is better than the 2. The 2 adds some gain and grit to the sound. unlike the 2 the 1 is really smooth and creamy. Keeps things unharse and really mouth opening
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    Lifesound Horizon - Clips (Mesa Dual Rectifier Clone)

    So it in a sense has 4 channels? :?:
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    Quick opinion on the bass knob (Rectos Read)

    In recent experiments, Ive realized that the one knob that has the biggest impact on your tone is by far, the BASS Knob on the 3 chan. Dual rec. I was begining to get so frusterated with my dual rec that i was tempted to sell it for a krank revolution. However me and a buddy of mine went to go...
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    help my tone please it's suffering!!!

    +100000 On lowering gain. I play in an alternative rockband that needs balls in the guitar tone but still plenty of clarity to serve justice to the complicated parts. Theres to strings in the band but my partner runs his gain through the roof. I on the other hand tend to keep my Dual rec 3...
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    2 ch vs 3 ch dual rectifier questions

    Those who buy a mesa to sound amazing and just the way you want it to out of the box have no business buying one. Mesa owners are people who breath tweaking with tone and most of the time are never happy. My settings change from night to night .. show to show. I have a 3 channel dual rec and its...
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    No output. 3 ch Dual rec

    Yeah... what i just said. I think its the V1 but ive replaced it and its not working still.. THIS SUCKS. I have a show on the 5th and i need to get this fixed. Is there some special way to put the V1 in or something. Am I missing something dummy related?
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    No output 3ch Dual rec

    Yeah... what i just said. I think its the V1 but ive replaced it and its not working still.. THIS SUCKS. I have a show on the 5th and i need to get this fixed. Is there some special way to put the V1 in or something. Am I missing something dummy related?
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    No Output... friend messed with V1 tube...

    I have no output whatsoever from my guitar through my amp.. wiring on guitar is good. and chord is good. However.. i'm almost possitive its the V1 tube. But what would cause it to not work?