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    Mark-O-Recto update

    That'd be a bit loud for lougeroom right? :P
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    Triaxis into dual rec power amp

    Thanks mate. The presence control doesn't work on the DR's clean channel when I'm using the triaxis, is this normal?
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    Triaxis into dual rec power amp

    Hey guys, I'm using my triaxis through the power amp of my dual rectifier (reborn) and i was wondering if you had any tips? I also wanted to know why the gain channels (when on modern) sound so different to the clean channel even though I'm not running through he DR's preamp? Thanks!
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    Noisy 2011 DR on standby

    Thanks for the help guys! I had a good listen to the back of it and i think it's the transformer behind the rectifier tubes. IS this anything to worry about? My plexi makes this noise but not as loud when it's on 10...
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    Noisy 2011 DR on standby

    Hey guys, When i turn my amp on and have it on standby the head makes a jangling kind of sound inside. It's hard to describe but it sounds like tiny pieces of metal hitting each other really fast. Similar to when an amp with a reverb tank is moved and the springs or whatever wobble around. Is...
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    Small midi foot controller

    Thansk for the help guys. The midi mouse is exactly what i'm looking for! Will this one also work with the triaxis?
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    Small midi foot controller

    Hey guys I just bought a triaxis and I'm looking for a 2 or 3 button midi footswitch to use with it. I'm completely in the dark with this one and was wondering if anyone could recommend some controllers? All I want to do is switch up and down presets.
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    Australian mesa boogie owners/gigs

    Posting from Canberra. I own a mark III blue stripe head, 400+ and a Mesa 6x10 cab.
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    New mark III head shell!

    I'll upload that tomorrow. Interesting how?
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    New mark III head shell!

    It's been a while in the making but i finally received it. Made by Brad MC from MC Custom Cabs in Perth, Australia.
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    Mark III strange noise

    It does but I don't have the reverb tank. I bought new pre amp tubes and they fixed it.
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    Mark III chassis measurements

    Will do! the 100/60 can only take 6l6 apparently. Do you have facebook or anything?
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    Mark III strange noise

    I did a search but never came across anything for this situation. When i play clean there is a distortion noise in the background. and if you listen carefully it's in the lead channel too. It started pretty quiet but it's getting louder. I only just picked it up from the repair shop too. Could...
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    Mark III chassis measurements

    The guy i bought it off put el34's in it (it's the 100/60 model) and i blew some resistors or something. Now it's making a strange distortion noise... ugh
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    Mark III chassis measurements

    Hey Dave, I just did the measurements the otter day. It was at pro audio getting fixed for a little bit. Brad from mc cabs in Perth is doing it up for me. Thanks for the help anyway!
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    Mark III chassis measurements

    I'm getting a head shell built for me in over here in Australia. I was wondering if there were some measurements of the mark III chassis floating around. I'm not very confident with my measurements as i don't really have time to take the head out of the combo to do exact measurements. Thanks!
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    Mark III problem

    I took it into the shop today, hopefully it won't be an expensive fix. I have another question. It's a 60/100 model but it has 4 el34s in it. I've seen people talk about 2 6l6s and 2 el34s in a simul class model and 4 6l6s in a 60/100 but never 4 el34s in a 60/100. I'm new to Mesa boogie and...
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    Mark III problem

    Hey guys I've been lurking around here for a while and i thought I'd join up. Anyway, my blue stripe Mark III combo had a sudden dramatic volume drop the other day. I still get some sound out of it but it's very very quiet. Do you guys have any idea what the problem could be?