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  1. T

    RJM RG 16 wanted!

    Anyone have a used one for sale? I'm building a rack rig around my Road King II.
  2. T

    Roadking foot controller!

    Not really. The only other things I've seen that are capable of controlling all the RK functions are all large midi switching systems :/
  3. T

    what's the best way to tighten up dirty channels on Roadster

    Throw a Maxon OD808 in front of it with gain off, volume max. It will tighten things up. Also, there are strong opinions on this one, but you can consider using a Sonic Maximizer. Just use very low settings, or it sounds like ***.
  4. T

    DR and BBE Sonic Maximizer

    At the risk of inciting a riot, I will say that you might actually like the Sonic Maximizer. I have one in the FX loop of my RK II, and with MODEST settings it tightens things up a bit (i.e. both knobs on about 9 o' clock and definitely never past noon). If you turn it up much it definitely...
  5. T

    Metal boost for Mesa Roadster

    I just got a Maxon OD808 for my RK 2 and it definitely sounds better on CH 4 (i.e. for a metal sound). I put the Level at 7-9 o'clock, the Balance at 5 (maxed), and the Tone at 7 (all the way down). It made it sound less muddy, palm mutes were tighter, and you can kick the gain up a notch with...
  6. T

    RK II FX Volume Issues

    Sorry for the confusion -- what I meant is, there is a massive volume drop when the loop IS engaged (NOT bypassed). It is MUCH louder when the loops are hard bypassed (completely out of the signal path). I have fiddled with the send knob -- even with it up all the way there is still a huge...
  7. T

    Mesa + BB Preamp = Awesomeness

    I have never played a BB preamp (but hope to eventually). But for those who are fans of this pedal, you might also consider a Timmy OD pedal. I have/had a Mad Professor Little Green Wonder, OCD, Fulltone Robin Trower OD, 1979 DS-1, and others and this is by far the best out of all of them...
  8. T

    BB-preamp & Maxon 808... Differences?? T-rex MAB update

    I have owned a Road King II for a few months now, and just recently read about boosting the front end with TS9, Maxon OD808, etc. I own a Timmy and Mad Professor Little Green Wonder OD pedals (both of which are great, BTW; Timmy is the best I've ever played hands down). After reading these...
  9. T

    RK II FX Volume Issues

    How do you mean? The solo function is not active when the FX loops are bypassed, and is the equivalent of temporarily turning up your master volume knob. I'm sure if you had the solo feature selected, left it on, and toggled the FX loop on/off you'd still hear the same volume difference. Have...
  10. T

    RK II FX Volume Issues

    I run a TC Electronic Nova System in the FX loop 1 for my clean channels. No matter what I do, there is a massive volume drop compared when the loop is hard-bypassed. In channel 4, I run a BBE Sonic Stomp and ISP Decimator in loop 2. Same thing. Even if I turn the FX send up all the way...
  11. T

    Best ATA case for RK II?

    Hi all, I need to get a case for my Road King II head. I'm not sure whether I want to get a live-in or a regular case. I've been doing research, but I'm having a hard time finding a case made specifically for the RK II head. Any suggestions? I figure I'll go ahead and get an ATA case...
  12. T

    Road King II vs Dual Rectifier

    So I just recently purchased a Road King II, after joining a new band. I read that you can get the exact circuit of a Dual Rectifier on Channel 4 with modern mode. I set it to Ch 4, tried both diode and tube rectifier, and used 4 6L6 mode. The other guitarist thought it didn't sound as...