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The Boogie Board

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  1. L

    She's a Keeper

    How about Behind every well equipped guitarist is an understanding and wonderful woman? R_ADKINS80 - Silly question of the day... But is the head / cab combo not to much for in home use? I mean it'd be damned gorgeous - and I'd need a head that could throttle down wattage to get some good...
  2. L

    She's a Keeper

    I've been struggling with direction for amplification and have a thread in the Mark V forum to that extent. I'm a home player jamming to all sorts of genres but sure do dig Slash's guitar work and often find myself playing GnR -> Velvet Revlover... But also recently find myself playing a lot...
  3. L

    Noob looking for advice

    Just wanted to thank everyone for the feedback and suggestions... I love to find forums so full of passionate and helpful people. What a wealth of knowledge - Thank you. I'll be checking out the TinyTerror (and other Orange products) this week and searching for folks who carry some of the other...
  4. L

    Was I Wrong for not accepting this MK V?

    Off topic... I got bitten by the bug last week and called all sorts of places looking for the Mark V 1x12 combo. One person had one - my local Guitar Center. I asked twice - "You sure you have it and you sure it's new in the box??" Resoundingly yes... In fact, he took my # in case anything...
  5. L

    Noob looking for advice

    And asking for it in a biased forum, no doubt ;) I've been playing for many years - always at home. I have no amp today - Rather am using a Damage Control Demonizer (basically two 12AX7's ) into a Mixer then on into a set of Mackie Powered Speakers. It's nice, but I'm inclined to give true...