She's a Keeper

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Jul 12, 2009
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I've been struggling with direction for amplification and have a thread in the Mark V forum to that extent. I'm a home player jamming to all sorts of genres but sure do dig Slash's guitar work and often find myself playing GnR -> Velvet Revlover... But also recently find myself playing a lot with clean tones.

I was concerned that the M5 was overkill for home use - and folks in the forum largely agree. So I've started looking at alternatives.

However, my better half further complicated this last night. I tend to do a lot of my thinking aloud, and the poor thing takes it like a trooper - listening to hours of myself debating amps with myself.

We had a revelation last night. I was talking about Mesa, vs Orange - Combos vs heads vs pre amps - etc;.

Then I heard those words that I think many of us long for in a relationship...

"I don't understand why you just don't get a half stack. They're so cool."

Thought you'd enjoy. So much for overkill @ home ;)

And no - she's mine.
LDog said:
I've been struggling with direction for amplification and have a thread in the Mark V forum to that extent. I'm a home player jamming to all sorts of genres but sure do dig Slash's guitar work and often find myself playing GnR -> Velvet Revlover... But also recently find myself playing a lot with clean tones.

I was concerned that the M5 was overkill for home use - and folks in the forum largely agree. So I've started looking at alternatives.

However, my better half further complicated this last night. I tend to do a lot of my thinking aloud, and the poor thing takes it like a trooper - listening to hours of myself debating amps with myself.

We had a revelation last night. I was talking about Mesa, vs Orange - Combos vs heads vs pre amps - etc;.

Then I heard those words that I think many of us long for in a relationship...

"I don't understand why you just don't get a half stack. They're so cool."

Thought you'd enjoy. So much for overkill @ home ;)

And no - she's mine.

For the longest time I had a Half stack in my living room. It started as a 5150II modded head and a 4x12 celestion cab....then to a Randall V2 head and now a Mesa Triple Rec head. I was finding myself not liking the one cab and talked about how much better it sounded at my buddy's house through my extra cab as well. And my wife uttered the words "If you don't like the way it sounds through one cab then why don't you just bring your other one home and use both of them?" How's that for a woman for ya? Oh and my other cab was a Randall cab wth 2x12 and 1x15. It slays now through both of them.
Right on! When contemplating trading one of my amps for another, my wife sat me down and told me how she didn't think it was wise to trade gear for gear, and that what I need to be doing is just buying more amps and not get rid of any anymore. Yes dear! :lol:
How about

Behind every well equipped guitarist is an understanding and wonderful woman?

R_ADKINS80 - Silly question of the day... But is the head / cab combo not to much for in home use? I mean it'd be damned gorgeous - and I'd need a head that could throttle down wattage to get some good tone... Just strikes me as potentially bringing a tank to an archery competition.. no?

I'm ok with overkill - just trying to understand :)
If the amp head was one with volume controls for each channel, PLUS an over-all master that further controls the volume of all channels equally, a head and cab set-up might just be great for home use.
I don't care if it is overkill for home use lol. I'm not nor have ever been in a "real" band but have played through a full stack since about 2001 at home. I have no problems finding great tone at any volume with my tube line-up. Before I yanked the mesa tubes I couldn't find great tone at any volume lol.

Also.....the tank would be a sure win at that competition as well lol.
home,right?not apartment,etc...
man, a Mesa is a pre amp driven tone monster, and you can get some great tone at bedroom opposed to a big *** 100 watt Plexi that needs walls of volume
i have a coliseum that I play at low volume(of course it has a limit control,which I dont use....and it is upstairs...)...but I get away with it..and a lower wattage amp isnt nec. a quiter amp(ex...100 watts is not 10x louder than 10 watts..the 10 watt mode on Mk V is a monster!-difference is a few db,headroom,etc...but you can crank up the gain,put master down low and get some cool bedroom tones out of most Boogs...)..and you never know when you might want to become a local legend :)

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