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  1. S

    Mark IV A Bit Barky

    Thanks guys. I did try Harmonics for a bit. What exactly is that supposed to do to the tone? I usually run mid gain as I find it adds a touch of gain at lower volumes.
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    Mark IV A Bit Barky

    Not sure if I would say that as such. It just seems that as I increase the volume (whether its master or channel volume) it gets a bit harsh. I need to run triode and mid gain and drop the presence significantly to try to smooth it out a bit. Tubes are winged C 6l6's and are only a couple...
  3. S

    Mark IV A Bit Barky

    Hey all, I have had my MK IV for a couple of years and love it to death although I have only ever played it at bedroom volumes as I live in a flat and can't play too loud. Last weekend though I took it out to my parents house in the country and couldn't wait to crank it up loud on full power to...
  4. S

    My Mark IV lead settings.

    Sounds like the classic mark iv lead tone! I always run my presence around 8 pushed but I see a lot of people run it around 2-3. I just always found it a bit dark sounding that low. Maybe it's the way I have my EQ set up. Do you run the EQ with those settings?
  5. S

    Mark IV Recording OUT Quiet??

    Boogie fans, I have just decided to try out the recording out option on my Mark IVa with headphones. I turned up the recoding OUT knob to full and pulled the master volume switch on the front panel. I noticed that I had to turn the master AND the channel volume up full to hear it and even then...
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    James' ADA mq1

    Very much disagree with this statement. The Load/Reload and Garage tones are superb. Metallica have had a great range of tones across all their albums. imo
  7. S

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    Padding on the bottom is the Reverb tank. If the Reverb sounds weak, try the reverb tube. If it is a Mark IVa then it needs a 12AT7 instead of a 12AX7.
  8. S

    Mark IV Preamp Tube Roles

    Thanks for that. Does indeed help
  9. S

    Mark IV Preamp Tube Roles

    Yes it is not 100% clear to me because I am a simpleton. Could someone simply list what tube affects what channel etc.....?
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    Mark IV Preamp Tube Roles

    Could someone post a simple list of what preamp positions affect which channel and aspect of tone? The manual isn't that thorough. Looking for a simple version.
  11. S

    Mullard M8137

    Are these the military spec Mullard ECC83 valves? How does this price compare to their value?
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    Loving Rhythm 2 on Mark IV!

    My settings are: Gain Pulled : 9 pulled Bass : 1-2 Mids: 4-5 Treble: 8-9 Presence Pushed: 8-9 Mid Gain Pentode Class A with winged C 6l6's Tweed power The important part is the EQ for me. It really thickens this channel up. I need it because I cant play too loud as I am sure it would thicken...
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    Loving Rhythm 2 on Mark IV!

    Just been playing around with rhythm 2 on the MK IV for the first time really since I've had her. Been playing along with some Darkness tunes and man......this thing really is amazing!! I don't know why people moan about the second channel. I can dial in a KILLER crunch tone and I'm running...
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    Winged C or not Winged C?

    Why not get two and run them in class A to get a feel for how they will sound before taking the plunge on a matched quad?
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    Speaker/sound issues with mark IV

    What is your bass set to?
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    Mullard Experts?

    On a side note: Is this the same as a M8137 'box anode' mullard?
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    Mullard Experts?

    I have the chance to buy a yellow label Mullard ECC83/12ax7 tube with the date code I62. I am with the understanding these are quite rare as they only made the I62 revision for a short period? What would be the estimated value for one of these that tests strong? Sparklesmcgraw
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    Box To Store Tubes?

    Nice finds, Although I will add that the 'box' I am looking for doesn't need to be transport proof. Even a display like case would do. I will check out those pelican cases though. They do look kinda heavy duty however Actually after checking the Pelican website...they have a ton of choices...
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    Box To Store Tubes?

    Interesting, that's not too bad. Thanks for that. Any others on the market kicking around?
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    Box To Store Tubes?

    I am beginning to collect vintage tubes (mainly 12ax7's) and was wondering if anyone knows of a place to get a nice box designed to store them? I know you can find generic white tube boxes on ebay but does anyone know of anyone that makes anything slightly different that can hold a number of...