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  1. H

    MK-IV Recap ?

    No, you can replace the filter caps without removing the board.
  2. H

    Mark IV retube...still looking for the right ones

    Its a matter of taste but I tried lots of different tubes in my Mark IV (JJ, EH, Tung Sol, SED, Mullard, Sovtek) and after hours of tweaking I found that for good balanced METAL tones, Sovtek brand in an all 6L6 configuration are the way to go for me. I'm using high gain grade tubes in the...
  3. H

    Mark IV - small blue spot on glass of one inner tube

    ...I replaced the plate resistors and the blue spot disapeared.
  4. H

    Mark IV - small blue spot on glass of one inner tube

    I'm a proud owner of a Mark IV "A" 1991. Today, I noticed a small blue spot on the glass of one of the 6L6 inner tube, there is also a very thin blue line in the center of the same tube. It look like a blue fluorescent spot coming from the inside of the tube. I replaced this blue tube with...
  5. H

    Just retubed the mark iv

    After trying more tube combinations, I finally reverted my setup to 4 JJ 6L6, my Mark IV definitively need darker tubes with the JB pickup. It is interesting to see that different tubes can greatly affect the overall sound of an amp.
  6. H

    Just retubed the mark iv

    Made some test today with different combinations of tubes in my Mark IV "A" (Seymour duncan JB/Jazz pickups) I found the Tung-Sol to be more harmonically rich than the JJ s. However, the SED 6L6 are way too bright for my taste, seem very similar to Svetlana 6L6 in term of brightness. I ended...
  7. H

    Just retubed the mark iv

    I'm a big fan of the JJ stuff but after reading so many good comments about Tung-Sol and SED, I decided to order a set to give it a try. I will do some test this weekend to see if the JJ are still the best option ! :D
  8. H

    MK IV frustration! HELP!

    Same thing for me, model A is naturally bright so darker tubes is not a bad thing. I use a Jackson RR-1 (Seymour Duncan JB/Jazz) with a trad 4 x 12. It cut thru the mix like a knife !!! :wink:
  9. H

    Mark IV: What's In Your FX Loop?

    Switchable loop : 266XL compressor/gate -> G-Major
  10. H

    Mark IV-change channels with G Major

    The G-Major work well for switching 2 channels (e.g.: R1 and Lead) but you must always make sure that one relay is set to "off" when the other is "on" (never operate the unit to have both relays "on" at the same time because you can damage your Mark IV). I use a stereo-to-mono cable and set the...
  11. H

    How many of you boost your Mark series amps for leads?

    I own a Mark IV model A (quad of 6L6, C23 mod). I don't need a booster on the Lead channel, there is a truck load of gain !!!! I tried an Xotic RC Booster on R2 and I can say that there is a slight improvement on the gain and attack dynamic but setting must be kept low otherwise it overload the...
  12. H

    mark IV power loss

    I got a major power loss problem with my Mark IV (1991) some time ago and it was caused by a bad resistor and a bad capacitor in the power stage circuit. I experienced some intermittent sound cuts long before I lost the power completely. If you tried all of the above mentioned tips and the...
  13. H

    Mark IV preamp boost - do or don't ?

    I read somewhere that using gain/level boost pedals (e.g.: overdrive, distortion, etc...) in front of a Mark IV is not recommended. Is this because the Mark as a more sensitive preamp compared to other amps like Marshalls, etc...or this is just a matter of tonal preference ? The tone and power...
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    I think most Mark IV owners have the same feeling about their amp tone :lol: ! Dom
  15. H

    DBX 266xl in front of the amp

    Is there a way to convert the input and output line level of a dbx 266xl compressor so it may be used before the amp instead of going into the effect loop ? My amp is a Mark IV. I'm looking for this setup : guitar -> dbx -> amp -> G-MAJOR (in the loop) -> cab Mark Morton of Lamb of God seem...
  16. H

    MKIV R2 not a gain Issue ?

    With a guitar-cable-amp setup, I get really good crunchy distortion out of R2 by using Seymour Duncan SH-5 Custom or Dimarzio FRED medium output pickups which are very sensitive to the attack and won't fatten the sound too much. They both produce a bright and crisp distortion sound with EL34 tubes.
  17. H

    Mark IV Cab question

    Inté aussi ma langue maternelle est le français ! :D
  18. H

    What's the Rig of your dream!

    Mark IV + 4 X12 Traditional Recto Cab !
  19. H

    Testing Vactrols

    ...sorry, LD and "R2" presence "pull shift", not R1.
  20. H

    Testing Vactrols

    I got a major power amp level problem with my Mark IV, very low output on all channels, plus no effect on the LD and R1 presence "pull" functions. I tried so many things without success, e.g.: changed tubes, cord in the fx loop, cleaned contacts, tested different speakers, but still same low...