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  1. C

    My turn (Mesa Stiletto clips...)

    I have to admit you probably have the best Stiletto tones on the net. From what I have heard. When you are playing dry (without reverb) do find it still retains that chewy character you had.
  2. C

    My turn (Mesa Stiletto clips...)

    Sorry a little off topic but how are the Edwards guitars. I've been trying to get ahold of one. I know it's ESP that makes them but the only place I've seen them is Ebay.
  3. C

    My turn (Mesa Stiletto clips...)

    Awsome clips I can't get my stiletto to sound like that . By the way what guitar were you useing.
  4. C

    Can You Use The Slave To Record Into A Computer

    Awsome thanks for the help It's my first time trying it
  5. C

    Can You Use The Slave To Record Into A Computer

    Exactly What The Top Says
  6. C

    Dialing In The Stiletto

    Actually I don't think many people on the board use the fluid drive it impossible to dial out the muddy character of that channel and mode. Look to the sample settings in the setting archive. If you use any of the displayed settings and use the tube rectifier, spongy it will always sound brown...
  7. C

    Funny?....The older I get, the more I understand tone and..

    Acctually being around myself I am confident (or adventureous enough to leave the 100 watt head at home) last rehearsal I palyed a smokey into a 4X 12 (after that experience I have been drinking more tequila and using a paso as a guitar pick). If you haven't tried it I would highly recomend it...
  8. C

    Different Stiletto "modes" listed in 2004 catalog!

    Sorry mabey i phrased the last statement wrong ( i was actually being sarcastic ) . It just seems that reading reviews from harmony central kids gave the stiletto a bad wrap because it did not give them the imediate metal or alternative tones they were looking for and Im a little disapointed in...
  9. C

    Different Stiletto "modes" listed in 2004 catalog!

    This senario with the series one sounds like what happened to marshall. Which lead to the awfull JCM2000 series (sorry I don't mean to offend Jcm 2000 users). I love the JCM 800 to death but Marshall kept upping the gain count on their amps and eventually they sounded like mush. I guess to keep...
  10. C

    What I'd like to see in a new Mesa amp...

    I would like to see a two channel amp with a whole new clean and high gain channel (and no preamp voiceings) Kind of what they did with the F-series but a whole new sound completely.
  11. C

    Carvin V3...I want it

    Actually the legacy is the furthest thing away from an all out high gain amp. It's got a decent sound kind of reminicent to a Bogner Shiva except definently not as organic or sonically beatifull as a shiva. It is round but unfortunately kind of uninspireing.
  12. C

    Guitar Center Blowing Out Stiletto Deuce / Tridents

    I guess they anticipate the series 2 will wake the old ones oboslete or they don't sell
  13. C

    Looking into Mark 4 as a second amp

    Ok I love my stiletto but recently I came into some cash and am looking into a mark 4 as a more metal sounding amp. There are no music stores that carry them on the shelves so I would have to order one in (hence not being able to try one for my self) Don't want a rectifier looking for my best...
  14. C

    Will new tubes really change my Rectoverb sound?

    Here's another ting that is most comninly overlooked is changing you're guitars pick ups. A lot of problems people see with tone is guitar based remember that is the heart of you're tone but to play devils advicate the F-Series has a much fatter tone than the rectoverb and single notes have a...
  15. C

    Sick of the proverbial crap?

    I agree with you and coparitively A lot of the boutique amp companies have sound clips ( while not a great representitive gives you a general idea of what the amps potential is ) So in agreeance with you're visual description complaint I think it would help potential buyers more if mesa had a...
  16. C

    I just found out Killswitch are using Stiletto's

    True but previously they used a dual rec which does modern metal in spades where the stilleto will cover you for seventies rock to maybe eary Iron Maiden (which is a killer sound) So Im guessing they had the fluid drive modded ( I would love to know how that sounds ). Which is the only feature...
  17. C

    I just found out Killswitch are using Stiletto's

    Just as it says. I was reading England's Guitarest magazine and saw an article on the new Killswitch Engage album. It was just a one page blurb but under their eqipment listings under amps it said mesa stiletto tridents. Okay my guess is their amps have been modded because of the classic old...
  18. C

    FOR SALE: Mesa Boogie Mark IV long head

    Actually a mark 4 in Canada costs $2950 + GST and PST even with the exchange and and shipping it would still be worth your while. I don't see these at Songbird too often.
  19. C

    Stiletto Deuce help, need more low end chunk and boom

    Personally I like the groove tubes 12ax7 c's they were the origanal chinese preamp tubes that mesa used during the acclaimed mark 2-c + and early 90's dual rec days that helped produce that fabled mesa tone. They are a lot warmer in tone but don't compress you're sound in as you turn you're gain...
  20. C

    Stiletto Deuce help, need more low end chunk and boom

    Actually it would be cool to a/b with it. The Stilleto like the lonestar is a unique tool and cudos to mesa for coming out with amps to suite all players. The amp I find is victum of bad marketing. Alot of people thought when it came out to be the next dual rec and were sverly disapointed by the...