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  1. J

    Why the insane wattage?

    There are stages, where I begin to feel lack of headroom on my DR (but if I had more speaker cabs, it would be ok). I kind of prefer hearing myself from the back with only a little hint from the monitor.
  2. J

    METAL!!!!! mesa wins

    Well. I have had a dual channel rackmount Dual Rectifier since January this year. What a great amp, its only downside is being heavy as hell while carrying in the rack. In the summer, I got my hands on a little Subway Rocket - with an external cab with a V30 - a great metal sound as well. The...
  3. J

    DC-5 vs F-50

    Today, I have played the F-30 combo for a while. To my ears, at low volume it sounds really close if not the same on channel 2 with or without contour as my Rocket with V30 external box. What a nice little amp! I assume F-50 will be very close to it in terms of sound. I played also a Roadster...
  4. J

    DC-5 vs F-50

    And how do these amps compare to Subway Rocket? I like this little amp, but on occasion, I will swap it for a larger one. Which one is closer to it? DC-5 or F-50? Or a Mark IV? I am talking all used combos here. I am satisfied with the sound Rocket provides (with an external cab), but i need...
  5. J

    50 caliber + vs Dual Caliber DC-5

    Last weekend I have used my Rocket in a studio - first time for rehearsing with a 1x12 external box (the other guitarist has a DR. I have one too, but I was too lazy:) and then for recording a scratch track with the drummer (with muted speaker). It is nice to have such a feature, it really saves...
  6. J

    M/B Studio Pre, Formula, Engl E530, Climax S3

    Well, I am a bit limited here, there is not much used gear I can select from. But since I had posted the last message, everything has changed:) For "versatility", I decided, that I need a combo. I bought a Subway Rocket, a great amp, but in future I will swap it for a Mark IV, Roadster or some...
  7. J

    50 caliber + vs Dual Caliber DC-5

    I have a Subway Rocket, which is somewhat closer to the older calibers. I need a 12" speaker, graphic EQ and a bit more power, so I am searching for a DC-3 or a DC-5. I am afraid the old calibers won't be suitable, as they do not have the silent recording feature (or do they?). I like the tone...
  8. J

    50 caliber + vs Dual Caliber DC-5

    Well, I would be also interested:)
  9. J

    rocktron intellifex "black face" & "LTD&q

    As far as I can remember, the delay can spillover (at least reverb can) - but the patches must be set to do so. Intellifex was kind of too complicated for my purposes, so I have already sold it.
  10. J

    What wireless?

    Most probably it is a Sennheiser Freeport. I have been using one with my DR for more than half a year and it works perfectly. It is very clean and low noise. Just buy a charger and two rechargeable 9V batteries as well.
  11. J

    Problem with Mesa boogie Dual rectifier

    The converter contains a transformer. It looks either as a rectangular box (EI core transformer) or as a car tyre, possibly with filled center (toroidal transformer). There are other possibilities, but these two are the most common ones.
  12. J

    Problem with Mesa boogie Dual rectifier

    Lazarus, is it a toroidal transformer? They usually have some kind of inrush current protection - there is most probably a thermistor, which is in series with the winding. If you plug the transformer out and in quickly, the thermistor does not have the time to cool down and therefore it cannot...
  13. J

    Problem with Mesa boogie Dual rectifier

    Well, If there is a transformer from 230 to 120 V (US model used in Europe), then the problem might lie in the external transformer itself. Is there any fuse on it? There is one on mine. Furthermore, there can be a thermal fuse in the winding - some of them are one-time only - that means, that...
  14. J

    Noise gates

    I used to have a Boss NS-2. Even at minimum settings it was too slow. I liked the mute function. Anyway, now I have a PSK NSG-2, that was cheap, but is faster. I will use it just until I get the Decimator pedal.
  15. J

    Line 6 cab for rectos.

    I can tell you one thing. A Line6 Spider II 412 cabinet can be used with a recto, but it does not sound really friend used to have one, the tone is not nice. Mesa 412 standard is about 100 times better.
  16. J

    What small combo for Rectifier sound

    Well, after playing a Subway Rocket for a few days - I can tell, that there is more midrange in the distortion, but WITH AN EXTERNAL BOX, I can get tones similar to Recto, mostly at lower volumes. The internal speaker is not suitable at all. Add a Thiele with EVM12L and it quite kills:)
  17. J

    Parallel to Series conversions... alternative solutions?

    PDad, according to the schematic diagram that can be found on the net, there is already a switching are right, it is strange.
  18. J

    Parallel to Series conversions... alternative solutions?

    NoGlassNoClass - a different pot or a short to ground (maybe a suitable push-pull pot could be found) would definitely help. OneMoreAugust - I see no reason, why should the fx loop switching cease to work after parallel to serial mod - and also, I can see no reason, why there must be some cable...
  19. J

    F-30 for crunchy metal sound

    Don't forget, that most newer Mesa amps are almost twice as expensive than in USA and used ones go still higher than US recommended prices. They are simpy out of my momentary budget. But there are many Calibers, DC-2, Studios for good prices. And now to the Rocket - It would be 100 % fine for...
  20. J

    Parallel to Series conversions... alternative solutions?

    The design of Mesa's parallel loop is not the greatest. I get some bleed throughs at 100 % wet setting, it does not short the original signal to ground. This also I suppose causes some of the problems with certain multi-fx devices - I got some uncontrollable feedback with GNX-4 while in the loop...