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  1. R

    having trouble determing value

    you know guys... i started doing some reading once i noticed something weird about my amp... I'm wondering now if I even have a IIC, or if it's really a IIB. My amp does NOT have the silver centered knobs that I'm told all IIB's have, it has the solid black knobs with inlaid white numbers...
  2. R

    having trouble determing value

    i know i know, i'm sorry if I'm coming off in a "woe is me" way, i don't mean to sound like that... I'm just trying to think things out. Also, scottcrud, I'm sorry I even keep bringing it up, I know it's annoying when other people just don't "get it". Honestly, I'm just not sure the MarkIIc...
  3. R

    having trouble determing value

    This is sort of a revisit to a posting I had a while ago. I posted awhile ago about how i'm thinking about selling my IIc and getting a IV instead. I'm still thinking about it. I can't afford a IV without selling the IIc, which is a bummer. I'm still not sure if I want to or not, but I'm...
  4. R

    Opinions: Best way to find your favorite tone? Settings/EQ

    i've heard some poeple record a guitar track direct to board (or whatever portastudio/computer setup you have) and then output the signal to the amp and play with the settings while the track is playing. i havn't tried it myself but the idea seems solid. I think that's how Gilmour did the solo...
  5. R

    should i change amps?

    thanks a lot for the advice guys. I have thought about getting it modded to a IIc+ but it worries me a little. I don't play very much metal or super heavy stuff (other than when our drummer and I start going into the Trooper to bug the other guys in the band). I've heard the IIC+ is a much...
  6. R

    can you tell what model this is?

    thanks guys! this one is for sale locally for $850. What is the going rate for a IIC+ with no EQ and no reverb. He claims it's switchable from 60/120 watts. If I bought this one it would really only be if it's a great deal that I can't pass up. I know the fully loaded IIc+'s have been going...
  7. R

    can you tell what model this is?

    on the link below, check out the "amp" folder on the left and the photo should come up. can you tell which model it is? I'm not very knowledgable about all of the mesa gear, but I don't recall one that has a simul-class switch on the front. thanks for the help...
  8. R

    should i change amps?

    i have a Mark IIc (not +) short head, 100w, simul, reverb, eq. While it sounds pretty awesome, i often find it lacking in versitility. As many complain about, i can't really get it to sound great clean AND distorted. I'm thinking of selling it and getting a mark IV head instead which offers...