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The Boogie Board

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  1. H

    Post your rig part 2

    Here it is, it took me 5 LONG years, and this board REALLY helped me get to a rig I am finally happy with. - Here is what I have: An ESP eclipse II - with a Tom Anderson H2+ in the bridge, and a 59 in the neck. My band Just got sponsored by Jackson, so I...
  2. H

    Please post Lamb Of God settings

    Actually, He was using EMG's, liked them a lot, but decided to have Jackson handwire some pickups, then he decided (where hes at now) To use SD phatcats.
  3. H

    Are vintage amps all tight?

    The tech just did an interview about what darrel used his whole career. He stated that he ALWAYS used the randall century 100/200 heads. It really doesnt sound marshal-ish at all to me. Dimebag always had a very specific, and unique tone that I always attributed to the SS randalls. White zombie...
  4. H

    MarkIV vs Recto tone...

    I love the MkIV tone... all the recording seemed to be missing, is a bass player!
  5. H

    2:90 Switch Problem...

    Well, Correct me if I am incorrect (anyone?) From how I understand, and use the 2:90, you are only supposed to use one power amp setting... Each setting uses the power tubes uniquely... I dont even know what you would do to the amp if you split its power section two ways... I wouldnt reccomend...
  6. H

    Izzy Stradlin

    Look at the back cover - there is a mkIII or mk IV there - on top of a boogie cab, I would assume it was that combination.
  7. H

    Does Anyone have...

    Alive or just breathing - Almost ALL rectos. Same with The end Of heartache. The newer album has different layers for sure. But those first 2 are definately pure recto. They have switched sponsorships LIVE, but did not record with different amps in the studio. you are probably right about...
  8. H

    Does Anyone have...

    Killswitch Engage, and Unearth would be great places to start.
  9. H

    killswitch engage settings anyone??

    They have used many different amps. The stilleto was for recording strictly i believe. Hughes and kettners, mesas, Bogners, etc. Last time I saw the settings of their rectos, it was orange channel, with the bass almost maxed (the maxon takes out a lot of bass), and the highs at like 2 o clock...
  10. H

    Time for Triaxis II

    Except that not everyone is like you... so they sell more units with the different tonal options, and make more people happy...
  11. H

    Time for Triaxis II

    Well, the 5 band bit, might be nice, but ive found i can get everything i need with the DV, and the three bands, plus presence. I really feel everything is available there. Why not just throw an eq in the loop? It would be very close in the circuit to where the MarkIVs is then. I found the...
  12. H

    Post your Rig!

    Gtrzan 99 - Your setup has changed a bit! Few questions: How do you like that wireless, most people seem to be raving about it. On the GCX switcher, why do you have the two inputs (buffered, and unbuffered) connected like that on the front?
  13. H

    Mesa Roadster tone@ lamb of god

    Scoop the mids, in a slight half moon (down) the first time. then keep pulling the mids down, and pushing the highs and lows more, until you find what you like. go gradually, eventually, the bass will sound farty, and the highs will get peaky, and finally, with no mids, you wont be able to hear...
  14. H

    Mesa Roadster tone@ lamb of god

    That seems to be right after the album came out- There is one mark4 short head on top of the right cab - which i assume is willies from where the cords are going. Also, the cab on the right is on top of a flat square roadcase - i dont really think hed have a roadster in there. His...
  15. H

    Best modded Ibanez TS808?

    Yes - But it pushes the mids, with a large reduction in bass. The modded pedals normally dont. So Those of us wanting extended girth, heavy-ness, and louder feedback, might go with the modded pedals. Its pretty simple, with a different circuit, you get a different sound, so like different...
  16. H

    Best modded Ibanez TS808?

    I have the keeley modded tube screamer. I love it. I dont really think you could go wrong with any of them. Why use a modded pedal? It leaves the bass in the signal. while still increasing pick response/attack, and slightly boosting my mids. I love it!
  17. H

    Mesa Roadster tone@ lamb of god

    Willie DOES use a roadster. Im simply saying that if you want LOG's Tone, its comes from a mark IV, and not a roadster. And on top of that, I have been a fan of LOG for going on 6 years now. Ive been to most of the shows they have done here in phoenix, and when I saw them this last time at...
  18. H

    Mesa Roadster tone@ lamb of god

    Well, LOG uses the mark4 about 90% of the time, on the last record they also used a stiletto, and a sans amp. So, the Brutal tone you are talking about is NOT a rectifier. I seriously doubt that live you heard the difference, Last time i saw them (Ozzfest) there wasnt really a hint of that in...
  19. H

    Mesa/Boogie vs Boogie ...year???

    Interesting Topic, here is my input: I always assumed that the "Boogie" or "Mesa/Boogie" badges came on products athat I would associate with the original boogie products- The mark I and II. So with this, Most of the early stuff based on these two amps, would have this logo - IE the mark IV is...
  20. H

    TriAxis Output Dial Question

    I agree that this is mostly opinion. I find im falling in love with the triAxis, because of the three different volumes I can use. I keep my output at 3. But at the same time, I am cranking my 2:90. Its normally at 1 oclock, on both sides (Yes I am using 2 Cabs). I personally prefer Amplifier...