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  1. T

    LSS footpedal

    Thanks guys - just what I needed :)
  2. T

    LSS footpedal

    Does anyone know the spec of the LSS footpedal internally? I'm having a smaller one built to free up some space on my board, but can't get to the innards of the pedal to take a picture for the builder. The side panels come off easily, but the black main panel doesn't seem to want to slide out.
  3. T

    How many mics do you use and what type?

    I use the 35 watt speaker out to the JDX and the speaker connected to it. I was already using the 35 watt out in general. What I like from the DI signal is that it seems to respond pretty much like the speaker, although perhaps a little "bigger" sounding if that makes sense.
  4. T

    Dealing with hum issues in certain places

    The Suhr Silent Single Coil Backplate seems to sort this out for most places, if your guitar can be fitted with it.
  5. T

    How many mics do you use and what type?

    I don't mic at all - use this instead - mounted inside the cabinet and permanently hooked up. No feedback, line level for the desk, sounds like me in any setting.
  6. T

    Anyone tried zen drives out with their Lonestar?

    Tried it with my LSS - sold the pedal on.
  7. T

    Solution for LSS on loud gigs

    A normal DI operates the way you describe, so nothing from the speaker. The JDX also takes the electical impulses coming back to the amp from the speaker and uses them as well, which when combined with its active filtering to emulate a cross between a closed 4x12 and an open 2x12 means it...
  8. T

    Solution for LSS on loud gigs

    I've never been crazy about miking amps at gigs, as the sound quality can be all over the shop. Unwanted feedback can also be a problem. I found the solution for me - Radial JDX DI, which connects between the amplifier and the speaker, then out to the PA. Normal DI's just get the amp, so...
  9. T

    LSS Channel Switch "thump"

    I guess it makes sense, but wonder if there is any mod which could be done to temporarily switch the amp into standby mode while the channels switch - if I manually switch to standby, then change the channels and come back out of standby, there is no thump. Probably a bit too complicated I...
  10. T

    Replacement rectifier for Lonestar Special?

    Anybody replaced theirs, and what would you recommend?
  11. T

    LSS Channel Switch "thump"

    Never used a power protector - what would you recommend? Any suggestions on replacements for the rectifier tube?
  12. T

    LSS Channel Switch "thump"

    If I switch from channel 1 at 30 watts (so no rectifier) to channel 2 at 5 watts (with rectifier), sometimes the amp makes a thumping noise. Presumably this is electricity suddenly hitting the rectifier tube. Is there any way to avoid this noise when channel switching?
  13. T

    LSS Compression

    I think it's because your volume level is being driven by the power amp tubes rather than the preamp tubes, hence more apparent clean headroom.
  14. T

    LSS Compression

    My approach is to turn down both the gain and the master below 12 o'clock on channel 1, then use the solo control to boost the signal to acceptable levels. While it requires stomping on both footswitches to change between drive and clean, you get more clean headroom all around.
  15. T

    Lonestar Special and PRS???

    Not a PRS, but similar quality of guitar. Try a Parker Fly Mojo with your LSS - about as versatile as you can get, all the way from hifi country twang through heavy rock to jazz. Of course not as traditional looking as the PRS, but the PRS Hiland I tried was lovely. If I didn't have the...
  16. T

    Loop sound difference

    I find that if there is a cable in the send return loop there is an audible difference. Sometimes it enhances the tone, other times it seems to degrade it. Admittedly the differences are relatively subtle. It would be good if with the footswitch you could just switch the send return bit of the...
  17. T

    Loop sound difference

    I play an LSS. For channel 2, I like the overdrive sound best with a very short cable in the loop send and return plugs, so essentially engaging the loop tube if that makes sense. For channel 1, I like the clean sound better without the cable, so even though the loop is on, there is nothing...
  18. T

    Return to only guitar, cable and LSS

    Lately I was starting to GAS after various other amps etc, and wasn't enjoying my tone as much. I removed everything apart from the cable between the guitar and the amp, took everything out of the loop, and now I remember why I love the sound of single coils through an LSS so much. It's funny...
  19. T

    Best Amp for Low Volumes?

    Get a Sequis Motherload - hook it up and you can crank any amp you like up to any level you like, and still not wake the cat.
  20. T

    Goosing the LSS?

    Try sticking a compressor in the loop of your LSS when using channel 2 - gives a lovely tone.