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  1. G

    Do G12H30's work with a DC2 ?

    Thanks for that Monsta
  2. G

    Do G12H30's work with a DC2 ?

    G'day Jesse and Welcome to The Boogie Board. Thanks for the first hand advice. 30 watts should be more than capable of handling my DC2 which as far as I know puts out about the same power as your Studio 22. The old black shadow speaker has never sounded very good and is gettin' pretty tired now.
  3. G

    Do G12H30's work with a DC2 ?

    and the sound of crickets chirping
  4. G

    Do G12H30's work with a DC2 ?

    .......tap tap this thing on...........hmmmmm tough crowd ....
  5. G

    Do G12H30's work with a DC2 ?

    I've done a search here and can't find the answer. I wanna replace the eminence black shadow with another speaker. I'm not a big fan of V30's so I was thinkin' about tryin' a G12H30 but they cost around 200 bucks down here in OZ and I don't wanna waste my $$ tryin' somethin' that may not work...
  6. G

    How is the correct tube "range" measured

    Thanks for all the advice. I was hoping there was a simple way to test tubes but looks like thats not the case. I definately won't be attempting any probing around inside my amp. I have zero electronics ability. I'll stick with the plug and play method. cheers
  7. G

    How is the correct tube "range" measured

    Unfortunately goin' to a tech is not an economically viable option for me as the closest tech I know of is about an hour and a half away. 3 hours round trip to drop the amp off and another 3 hours to pick it up when its done. Even bigger problem with the closest tube supplier who is over 4...
  8. G

    How is the correct tube "range" measured

    Ok so they need to be installed in an amp (or machine) to be measured. So if the local aussie tube suppliers don't have a machine to install them in for measurement then there is no way they can supply me with tubes that will fall within the safe working range on my amp....unless by luck...
  9. G

    How is the correct tube "range" measured

    Ok so the internet is a great place for findin' out stuff. BUT, there is also a HUGE amount of bullsh!t out there as well ! For non technical blokes like myself, its almost impossible to distinguish between fact and fiction sometimes. :roll: I have owned a DC2 for about 6 years. Until...
  10. G

    Calling amp guru's - Mesa DC 2 - Cathode bias or what ??

    Its cool. I knew you weren't bein' sarcastic. I have been a member here for a while but I don't spend much time online here. I only drop in from time to time and I prolly shoulda done a better search before asking. I live in Australia and we are limited down here to what we can buy. I checked...
  11. G

    Calling amp guru's - Mesa DC 2 - Cathode bias or what ??

    Why not order from Eurotubes? Mostly coz I didn't know they existed till you mentioned them. Thanks for the link Larseko. I'll check 'em out
  12. G

    Calling amp guru's - Mesa DC 2 - Cathode bias or what ??

    Thanks Stokes. I think I'll just make it easy for myself and go back to using Mesa EL 84's. I can put them straight in without rebias. The closest amp tech to me is over an hour away and I don't wanna hafta travel.
  13. G

    Calling amp guru's - Mesa DC 2 - Cathode bias or what ??

    I need to change the EL84's in my DC2 and as Mesa's are "fixed bias" I was wonderin' if I've just been lucky in the past and bought off the shelf tubes that fell within the correct range or is the DC2 a "self biasing" thingo. The JJ's I've had in it for a while are sounding a bit flat and...
  14. G

    Studio 22plus

    :lol: I regularly play mine through a 4 X 12 loaded with Classic lead 80's and it never ceases to amaze me how loud it is and how great it sounds.
  15. G

    Studio 22plus

    G'day Shakti and Welcome to The Boogie Board. I posted a similar question for my DC2 a cuppla days ago and only got one reply. I'm considering JJ's for mine but I'll wait and see if there are any other replies. Preamp tubes cost about 25 bucks each down here in Australia so I don't wanna make...
  16. G

    What brand preamp tubes for my DC2 ??

    Thanks for your reply Andy. I was hoping for a few more replies so I could get a few differing preferences. I've been considering the JJ 12AX7's. How well do they stand up the the mechanical bashing they get in a combo? The Sovteks got rattly pretty quick. I'm on my second set of JJ EL84's...
  17. G

    What brand preamp tubes for my DC2 ??

    I'm considering replacing all the preamp tubes in my DC2. I have a bit of a mixture in there at the moment. Sovtek LPS, chinese and an old Philips. When I bought it second hand a few years ago I swapped out all the tubes it came with (mixed bag and a bit microphonic) for a full set of Sovtek...
  18. G

    What photo hosting service do you use?

    Photobucket Been usin' it for over 2 years and its great! They do video as well.
  19. G

    Dual Calibers

    Thankyou. I made it myself. Its version 3. I ran outa space on the previous two :mrgreen:
  20. G

    Dual Calibers

    I loved my first DC2 so much when I bought it that I got a second one to keep it company