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  1. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    I don't know how I find all of these good deals.. :shock: I'm still trying to work out a deal with that marshall jubilee.. but the guy seems to be all over the place with what he wants.. I might have to go for the PRS if it's a good deal. Should only go up in price too
  2. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    I think I just found a great deal? My brand new Dual Rec for a Mint Limited Edition PRS 20th Anniversary with case and case candy. Bird inlays, set neck, green flame top.. Any opinions?
  3. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    The rectifier's power cord seems high quality compared to the Orange. The Orange's power cord is small and flimsy IMO. I wonder if it's the one it came with or a cheap replacement.
  4. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    So heres the orange I traded for. It's 7 months old. I have the receipt, box and footswitch. Love this thing The guy's friend thought every amp made that noise that the triple rec did. So I don't think he really cared. Wasn't a big deal by the sounds of it
  5. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    Today I traded the triple rec for an Orange Rockerverb 50. I love this amp. The gain channel has more of an organic sound to it. And the clean channel is much better than the rectifier. So far it seems to have the sound that I've been looking for. But I still need to test it out with the band. I...
  6. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    Just got an email back from him.. He put it on Ebay for $2800 and got offers well over 2000 he said.. And he told me he doesn't want to trade anymore.. Bummer.. Just when I twas getting all excited. :x
  7. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    So it doesn't seem like something to be worried about. The guy with the marshall jubilee just sent me pictures. mint condition. I told him about the buzzing noise and what I was told on here. I might give Boogie a call to see what they have to say. Hopefully he doesn't have a problem with it and...
  8. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    Thanks for the replies! The only reason I bought the triple rec was to test it out for a bit then sell it for profit. I already have a Dual Rec sitting beside it. They sound the same to me. I just don't want to be responsible for the Triple rec when it needs new tubes :shock: ! haha. The guy I...
  9. F

    Triple Rec makes noise when turned on.. Help!

    I just bought this Triple rec head last week for $725 CAD (690 USD?) and it's in mint condition. It only has one problem. If you have the pedal plugged in, and turn the amp on, it makes a buzzing noise. It sounds like it's coming from just the head. It's not being amplified by the speakers. If...
  10. F

    Dual Rectifier Road Case help

    To be honest, I never even thought about the foam blocking the heat. The top does get pretty warm during practice.. I don't think it should be much of a problem though. The back is completely open and there are vents on the front. I don't think companies would make cases like these if it would...
  11. F

    Dual Rectifier Road Case help

    I bought it! Nice case. Had to cut some foam for the rubber feet on the bottom. I thought I would have to add foam, but I don't think I do. There are spaces on each side though. But it fits nice and looks like the DR will be safe! Only downside is.. It's huge and heavy! I have to bring it back...
  12. F

    Dual Rectifier Road Case help

    BTW, It's $150 canadian. So for you americans, it should be cheaper in US currency. This is what he said when I asked about the thickness: "I'm not entirely sure I know what you mean, if you mean how thick the wood is, I think (and don't quote me) it's at least 1/4" thick and the thickness of...
  13. F

    Dual Rectifier Road Case help

    I sent him an email asking how thick it is. He told me a case like that would sell for atleast $250. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy it! Probably tomarrow. I like how it's a live in road case. Is this a good brand?
  14. F

    Dual Rectifier Road Case help

    I found this road case for sale in my town and thought I could use it! I'm definatly not buying a new one so I think I should jump on this since it's close and new ones are expensive! I hate shoving my head into a van with my other gear. I just want to make sure my head will fit and be safe in...
  15. F

    New Warmoth Jaguar/jazzmaster

    Im using the SH-4 JB in the bridge and the SH-2 jazz in the neck
  16. F

    New Warmoth Jaguar/jazzmaster

    Built a Warmoth jaguar/jazzmaster with all Warmoth parts. Awesome guitar, thought I would share it with the boogie board!
  17. F

    Mesa DR [vs.] Orange?

    Thank for replying, nice to know you actually owned both. I'm going to try to play one before buying anything. I could love the amp from the reviews and hearing it on youtube, but it could all change when I hear it in person. I don't want to be trading my boogie just to find out I don't like the...
  18. F

    Mesa DR [vs.] Orange?

    I emailed Long & Mcquade and these are the prices: Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head $2350 plus taxes. Orange Rockerverb 50 head $2425 plus taxes. I thought $1200 was a good deal also. By researching, and watching youtube videos, I really like the rockerverb over the Mesa. Haven't been able to...
  19. F

    Mesa DR [vs.] Orange?

    I found an Orange Rockerverb for $1200 CAD in mint condition (says the owner) includes footswitch. If I traded my Mesa Dual Rectifier head and footswitch, which is showroom condition with tags, about a year and a half old, would this be a good deal? considering both are mint.. don't know how old...
  20. F

    Post your amp!

    I never use the Line 6.. I hate it so much :)