I think the worst that could happen to your amp by running mismatched tubes is that you could blow your fuse. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me...
For the folks who weren't able to download the album:
Looks better than this hack job:
A little something I found on the Ebay years ago, saved as an example of what NOT to do w/ a Les Paul! If memory serves me right, it was an '80..
As I understand it, legally, you could burn a copy of the CD for your car, being that you purchased a copy of the CD, providing there isn't any countermeasures on the disk that prevents you from burning it...
If I am mistaken, please correct me...
If intonation becomes an issue, i know that the make compensated saddles for the 3 saddle bridges, you can get better intonation with sacrificing that tel twaaang...
I've been lusting for a US '52 reissue for the past 10 years or so. In my opinion, the vintage-style 3-saddle bridge is what helps give that authentic Tele twaang! The modern 6 saddles like whats on the American Standard type models just doesn't have enough twang. I know the '52 Reissues, the...
I saw them in concert back in '94, one of the opening acts for Metallica. They butchered "Voodoo Chile" really bad...
I think i remember seeing Marshalls in his backline, maybe playing a Les Paul?
Ok....I think really liking Svedka vodka, more flavor, yet smoother than Smirnoff....Bought a 1.7 ltr on sale today, was cheaper than Smirnoff, tastes great with Monster (Green), as well as cranberry juice, have yet to try it in a screwdriver....