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  1. L

    Good Noise gate - ?

    I like the Boss noise suppressor, maybe you didn't have the gate set 'tight' enough. You have to set the first knob almost at maximum and the second knob almost at minimum. It will shut your signal off immediately with no feedback. I've heard good things about the ISP Decimator, but haven't...
  2. L

    E.Q. Frequency band help?

    Does anyone know what specific frequency the 'squeak' of the pick is at? When I set my amp up for a nice full sound, the little 'squeak' sound the pick makes against the string gets more pronounced and annoying. I'd like to cut that narrow frequency band out while still retaining the frequency...
  3. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    He doesn't use the EMG booster at all. He thought it would work like a solo decibel boost without changing the tone, but all it does is add more distortion- so it turns into mud. He's been using a wah pedal lately for solos. He said it acts like a filter to add more treble so the notes cut...
  4. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    /\ As far as slop and filth, running the MZ the way Cannibal does as a boost into the front is waaayy sloppier than running the MZ into the Return of the loop. The Loop method results in tight crisp distortion with no bass sag. If you set it up right, you'd really be surprised. It's a totally...
  5. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    /\ When it's set up that way through the Loop Return, none of the knobs on the front will effect the sound except for the Presence and the Reverb. Their settings change slightly from venue to venue of course, but the MZ EQ is always pretty neutral. Try everything straight up or at 11 o'clock...
  6. L

    Poll: What music did you buy your Mesa for. (Primary use)

    Polka +1 I run a mic from my accordian into the red channel of a Recto. :P
  7. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    Most people would say that's rediculous to run a tube amp with a solid state pedal like that, but you'd be surprised how good it sounds. You can skip the Mesa's preamp all together by just plugging the pedal into the 'Return' of the effects loop. That's how Tony Norman in Monstrosity used to...
  8. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    For their live sound yes. EMG-81 also (707 on the 7-string) and either a Decimator or a Boss NS2 for a noise gate. Pat and Rob use slightly different settings on the Zone and the amp. BTW this setup is the staple of a lot of Florida death metal bands- Malevolent Creation, Diabolic, Unholy...
  9. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    Another note on the Cannibal KILL album is that they mixed a track of Engl Powerball in there. Pat didn't really like it for rhythm's (said it was great for leads though) so it's low in the mix, but it is there. The Powerball was Erik Rutan's (Hate Eternal/Morbid Angel) and he thought it might...
  10. L

    Video: Bad hum from Racktifier

    Ground loops can be very tricky to find. Sometimes even placing two units in a rack together can start one due to the chassis' touching each other, or being connected by the rack screws and rail. Before you take your amp to a tech, try placing it in another room with a cab and only your guitar...
  11. L

    Video: Bad hum from Racktifier

    The only successful way I've split my signal without the ground loop hums and buzz is by using a Voodoo Labs amp selctor: There are cheaper units out there, but some...
  12. L

    Video: Bad hum from Racktifier

    The split signal is definately your problem. I've dealt with this problem many times since I use a fairly complicated stereo rack setup myself. Let me get this straight first- you want to split your regular uneffected guitar signal to feed different amps/preamps is that correct?
  13. L

    Video: Bad hum from Racktifier

    Hey MJ, That's a ground loop. Unfortunately, the Ractifier doesn't have the Ground switch on the back like some of the Dual Rec heads have (A-off-B). I'd have to know more about your set up to isolate the problem, but a simple fix for now would be to try putting the 2 prong adapter on the 3...
  14. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    I was the guitar tech for Cannibal for the first week on the last tour (filled in for BabyFace while he was out of the country) and I can tell you that they do not use (or like) the 3 channel model. They would only use one if their amps failed or if nothing else was available (they lease gear...
  15. L

    Need advice for best mesa or boogie for deathmetal

    Pat from Cannibal uses a Triple Rectifier with a Boss Metal Zone in front for a clean EQ boost and EMG's are a must for that tone. Rob uses the same, but his is a Dual Recto. Both are the older two channel versions. Gary Holt from Exodus uses a Marshall JCM800 (2203 I'm pretty sure) with (count...
  16. L

    Show us your recto settings!!!!

    Very true, I always use that myself. I see that you're in Orlando, I'm in Tampa. Please check out my band CHAOS as we play over there often: [/url]
  17. L

    Show us your recto settings!!!!

    Cool, I'll try that! So it's the Red channel on Modern? Do you use the rectifier tubes or Silicon Diode mode?
  18. L

    Show us your recto settings!!!!

    fpoon are those settings o'clock, or level like 0 thru 10? thanks for the info! I want my Recto to sound more like a Marshall (I'm jonesing for the new JVM!). I'm going to try some EL34's in the Mesa. Which settings & modes are more Marshall sounding? (Vintage, Orange, etc?)
  19. L

    Help, My recto exploded today,

    Ouch! Hopefully it was just a tube problem. I'd probably just change the tubes and fuses (it may have internal fuses also) and see what happens. If you can afford it, the best alternative would be to have an amp tech check it out for sure.
  20. L

    I was all set to get an Ace but.......

    To a certain extent yes. They all used different guitars, playing styles, effect, and different levels of gain but they all had that basic 'British' EL34 Marshall midrange that was a staple of 70's and 80's rock and metal. You really don't hear it anymore now that everyone uses Mesa's. The mid...