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  1. J

    6L6s blue glow already

    Thanks lads! I have to admit I'd thought it was a bad thing as I'd been using EL84 amps for years (which never glowed blue ever) and was under the impression that it was a bad thing for a valve to glow blue. Phew!
  2. J

    6L6s blue glow already

    Hi guys, Back in February I noticed that I thought the 6L6s in my Express 5:50 were probably due for replacement. The sound had got a bit mushy and lacked clarity and I noticed that both 6L6s were glowing blue in 50w mode and just one in 5w mode (because only one tube runs) when the amp was...
  3. J

    New power tubes (6L6GC) for Express 5:50

    Fair enough - they were knackered anyway and had gone microphonic. I think they had been on the way out for a while as I have noticed the tone on the lead channel has brightened up considerably. Could be the different valves, could just be they're new!
  4. J

    Express footswitchable mod

    Sorry - yeah, just a phrase I guess - it's almost the perfect amp except that it doesn't footswitch between modes. Having played with the switches on several occasions I don't see that there's any volume change really when switching through modes and actually, I prefer the 'crunch' to either of...
  5. J

    New power tubes (6L6GC) for Express 5:50

    Went for a set of Winged Cs today from a good UK dealer - matched to similar specs to the STR-440s I took out of the Express. Very happy with the overall results!
  6. J

    Express footswitchable mod

    I just thought it would be useful to be able to switch between modes to get different tones to maximise the sounds and opportunities to use those sounds in a live situation. There not really much time for altering settings on the fly, but if you can control the tone you get from an amp by using...
  7. J

    New power tubes (6L6GC) for Express 5:50

    OK thanks for the info - have used JJ EL84 and was very impressed but just heard a few less favourable things about the 6L6 in Mesa.
  8. J

    Express footswitchable mod

    I have an Express 5:50 and am almost completely sold on what it does apart from not being able to switch between modes (eg Clean/Crunch and Blues/Burn) with the footswitch. I'd be happy to live without footswitchable Contour as I tend to treat it as 'always on'. How simple would it be to route...
  9. J

    New power tubes (6L6GC) for Express 5:50

    Hi guys. Searched through the forum to look for recommendations, info and advice on replacement 6L6GCs for my Express 5:50, but as there haven't been any recent posts on this specific amp, I thought I'd ask what with some tubes being discontinued and some new tubes being introduced. It has a...