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  1. J

    Mullard's in Roadster

    I have a chance to buy real Mullards. I own a Roadster head. Is it worth the price to have these tubes? What tonal qualities could I expect if I buy them? Thanks
  2. J

    pedal for light/medium gain

    I currently use an OCD as a boost on my Roadster. I am looking to add a pedal to use with my clean channel to give me a good medium gain tone. Would you suggest another OCD, Maxon 808, or a BB Preamp? Any other suggestions? Thanks
  3. J

    Roadster Combo

    In what way does the head sound better than the combo? As always, thanks for the input.
  4. J

    Roadster Combo

    Does a Roadster combo sound as good as the head? I am thinking of downsizing from the head and 4x12 to a combo.
  5. J

    Dual OD/ Distortion pedal

    I am currently using an OCD with my Roadster, which I really like. I also want a pedal to use on my clean channel to give me a low/medium gain. Are there any good pedals that offer both an OD for my solos & distortion for my clean channel. I know they are out there, but are any of them good? Thanks
  6. J

    Maxon OD808

    Is the Maxon OD808 the pedal that the guy from Killswitch helped make? Thanks
  7. J

    Hamer Californian Deluxe

    It turned out to be a Korean model. Explains why it was only $300.
  8. J

    Hard Bypass w/ Roadster

    If you turn on the hard bypass on the Roadster, I assume it takes the f/x loop out? If so, can you run your delay and a reverb pedal through the front of the amp? Will the effects sound bad?
  9. J

    Hamer Californian Deluxe

    Has anyone ever played a Hamer Californian Deluxe and if so what are your opinions? I found one locally, cheap, but don't know a whole lot about them. Thanks.
  10. J

    SED Winged C EL34's in Roadster

    Has anyone tried the SED EL34's in their Roadster? I currently run SED 6L6's but am curious about the EL34's. I have recently gotten away from playing hard rock & metal, so the big low end thump ,in your face tone is not as important to me as it used to be. Thanks
  11. J

    Genz-Benz G-Flex 2x12 w/ Roadster

    I have a head. I am kind of getting away from the heavy/ hard rock. I am now playing more medium gain. I think I would like to just get the Roadster cab when I have the money, but I saw someone looking to trade their G-Flex for a PRS SE, which I have.
  12. J

    Genz-Benz G-Flex 2x12 w/ Roadster

    Has anyone ever played their Roadster through a G-Flex 2x12 cab? If so, how did it sound? Thanks
  13. J

    Looking for a Mesa vertical 2x12

    I'm looking for a vertical 2x12 cab. Thanks
  14. J

    suhr pups

  15. J

    suhr pups

    My understanding is that the DSH+ are hotter than the DSH, correct? Also, has anyone tried the SSH pickups? While I really like my Aldrich pickups, they are a little dark sounding. I am going to be playing music like Maroon 5, Bon Jovi, Gavin DeGraw, etc... Thanks
  16. J

    suhr pups

    Can someone describe the difference between the Aldrich and DSH pickups? I have the Aldrich in one of my guitars and really like them. I am looking to get new pickups for another guitar. I am going to be playing more mid to low gain type of music. I play out of a Roadster Head. Thanks
  17. J

    Pickups for Ibanez- Les Paul style

    The pickups I choose don't have to necessarily be high output. I'm not going to be playing any metal or real hard rock. I appreciate everyone's input, thanks!!
  18. J

    Pickups for Ibanez- Les Paul style

    One of my best friends died over the holidays. His family gave me one of his guitars. It is an Ibanez that has the looks of a Les Paul. He used to tell me that Gibson sued Ibanez over this guitar. I don't know if that's true or not. Anyways, I am looking to change to pickups in it. There are 3...
  19. J

    Amp stand for recto 2x12

    I am thinking of getting a Recto 2x12 cab. I would like to get a vertical one, but they are hard to find used. Does anyone use a stand for their 2x12 and if so, what kind? Obviously, it would have to be sturdy enough to hold both the cab and my Roadster in a gig situation. Thanks