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  1. S

    Preamp tube swap?

    i changed V1 to a Tung-Sol reissue. to me it made it sound a tiny bit smoother. i will change the other preamp tubes when i can get around to it. yeah, i had to take off that metal bar and pull a couple power tubes to get at it....
  2. S

    Channel 2 "Edge"

    interesting. to me, whenever i switch to Edge it sounds like i'm playing through a Tele bridge pickup, even though i'm not. i like the Crunch a lot so far, but Edge hasn't hooked me. but i will check it out more at some point--thanks for posting your impressions.
  3. S

    EQ Sliders Vs. Preset Knobs

    that's what i've done, with the preset on channel 3 and for Crunch mode on channel 2, and the sliders set in a peculiar fashion for the Mark I mode on channel 2. the Mark I mode has such a different sound, with all the boominess, that i need different EQ settings to get it to sound right to me...
  4. S

    Mark V Clip (Channel 2 Crunch Mode)

    Villa! that would rule. cool--that's very similar to my Crunch settings. last night i tried it with the Mids cranked--it sounded good for thicker leads, especially when i switched to Mk I mode, but it made the Crunch rhythm tone too flabby for me in the "background" of the sound; didn't have...
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    Mark V Clip (Channel 2 Crunch Mode)

    sounds really good. i too am getting cool sounds out of Crunch, low-ish gain ones with the Gain at noon and mid-gain ones with it at 3 o'clock or higher. to me it sounds like a lower-gain version of the Mk IV mode. were your settings for the lead and the rhythm tones on this the same...
  6. S

    FS: Mesa/Boogie 50/50 rack power amp

    thanks, the amp has sold.
  7. S

    Mark V EQ crippled?

    my Mark V (a head) feels the same way to me. the EQ preset sounds far more musical and "alive," whereas the graphic EQ sounds boomy and muddy and dull by comparison. i tried briefly to see if i could get the sliders to sound like the preset, but it was way off so i gave up. it's not bugging...
  8. S

    FS: Mesa/Boogie 50/50 rack power amp

    Awesome combo, especially since it has Deep Mod. I got so much thick low-end that I had to dial back my outboard EQ. I'm keeping another Rock Master (I have two) and my Mesa 20/20--I'm just not playing enough to also keep the 50/50.
  9. S

    FS: Peavey Rock Master all-tube guitar preamp

    FS: Peavey Rock Master tube guitar preamp. Three channels, four 12AX7 tubes, eight stages of gain and input/output buffering. Clean, Crunch, and Ultra channels. Five FX loops for tons of flexibility in patching your FX on single channels or multiple channels. This preamp was the original design...
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    FS: Mesa/Boogie 50/50 rack power amp

    FS: Mesa/Boogie 50/50 50-watt stereo rack power amp. Two channels, 50 watts each. Two rack spaces, four 6L6 tubes. A half-power switch for running at lower volumes. Great tube power with tons of low end. This unit is an older one that was modded to include the Deep Mod, the change to the...
  11. S

    Mark V Footswitch button issue

    do you know how to do simple DC electronics things, like solder and install pickups? if so, you might could troubleshoot one possible cause of this. sounds like the problem could either be a loose connection in the footswitch or a problem in the amp. one way to tell might be to plug a normal...
  12. S

    My First Mark V Clip!! (Obligatory Dream Theater Cover)

    i think that lead tone sounds awesome. what settings was it with--the ones you listed, or something different? would you mind sharing what the exact settings for that lead tone were? thanks very much.
  13. S

    Pops between channels when in 10W.

    i have noticed pops when switching from the EQ preset knob to the EQ sliders, both while on the same channel and while switching from one channel that's using the preset to another channel that's using the sliders (both channels on the same wattage setting).
  14. S

    EQ Sliders Vs. Preset Knobs

    me too, in the same settings range as you list. for some reason, the preset knobs sound much more musical to my ears, and the sliders sound boomy or muffled. i have no idea why, and i'm still very early in my tweaking.
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    FS: Rocktron Voodu Valve tube guitar preamp w/ effects

    Final price drop: $325 plus shipping.
  16. S

    Road King "Output" question

    positive. because i hooked it up myself. both times i played it, before i even turned the amp on, i checked all four channel strips at the back. all the speaker outputs were set to A [it's a combo] and all the loops were turned off. i'd read the manual several times before i went to the...
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    Road King "Output" question

    i played a RK II again today, in a local store. last time i bypassed the Loop and Ouput/Solo controls and used the channel Masters to control the volume. this time i cut on the Loop & Output, and the tone got thin and lower volume, with no low end. when i turned the output knob, the tone...